LiteHttp is a simple, intelligent and flexible HTTP framework for Android. With LiteHttp you can make HTTP request with only one line of code! It could convert a java model to the parameter and rander the response JSON as a java model intelligently.


Android network framework: LiteHttp

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Android网络通信为啥子选 lite-http ?

lite-http 初步使用 和 快速上手

1. What‘s lite-http ?

LiteHttp is a simple, intelligent and flexible HTTP framework for Android. With LiteHttp you can make HTTP request with only one line of code! It could convert a java model to the parameter and rander the response JSON as a java model intelligently.

2. Why choose lite-http ?

Simple, powerful, make HTTP request with only one line of code:

User user = liteHttp.get (url, User.class);

asynchronous download a file(execute on sub-thread,listen on ui-thread):

liteHttp.executeAsync(new FileRequest(url,path).setHttpListener(
	new HttpListener<File>(true, true, true) {
        public void onLoading(AbstractRequest<File> request, long total, long len) {
            // loading notification

        public void onSuccess(File file, Response<File> response) {
            // successfully download 

configure an asynchronous login request by annotation:

String loginUrl = "";

// 1. URL        : loginUrl
// 2. Parameter  : name=value&password= value
// 3. Response   : User
class LoginParam extends HttpRichParamModel<User> {
    private String name;
    private String password;

    public LoginParam(String name, String password) { = name;
        this.password = password;
liteHttp.executeAsync(new LoginParam("lucy", "123456"));

will be built as http://xxx?name=lucy&password=123456

more details, you can see lite-http introduction: LiteHttp Introduction: Why should developers choose LiteHttp ?

3. What are the fetures ?

  • Lightweight: tiny size overhead to your app. About 99kb for core jar. .

  • One-Thread-Based: all methods work on the same thread as the request was created.


  • Automatic: one line of code auto-complete translation between Model and Parameter, Json and Model.

  • Configurable: more flexible configuration options, up to 23+ items.

  • Polymorphic: more intuitive API, input and output is more clear.  

  • Strong Concurrency: concurrent scheduler that comes with a strong, effective control of scheduling and queue control strategies.

  • Annotation Usage: convention over configuration. Parameters, Response, URL, Method, ID, TAG, etc. Can be configured.

  • Easy expansion: extend the abstract class DataParser to parse inputstream(network) to which you want..

  • Alternatively: interface-based, easy to replace the network connection implementations and Json serialization library.

  • Multilayer cache: hit Memory is more efficient! Multiple cache mode. Support for setting cache expire time.

  • Callback Flexible: callback can be on current or UI thread. listen the beginning, ending, success or failure, uploading, downloading, etc.

  • File Upload: support for single, multiple, large file uploads.

  • Downloads: support files, Bimtap download and progress notifications.

  • Network Disabled: disable one of a variety of network environments, such as specifying disabling 2G, 3G.

  • Statistics: time cost statistics and traffic statistics.

  • Exception system: a unified, concise, clear exception is thrown into three categories: client, network, server, and abnormalities can be accurately subdivided.

  • GZIP compression: automatic GZIP compression.

  • Automatic Retry: combined probe exception type and current network conditions, intelligent retry strategies.

  • Automatic redirection: based on the retry 30X state, and can set the maximum number of times to prevent excessive jump.

4. Overall architecture of lite-http

Lite-http Chart

About App architecture, see my other article: [How to take high-quality Android project framework, the framework of the structure described in detail? ] 7

5. tutorials and analysis (◕‸◕)

Good ◝‿◜, huh:

 [1. Initialization and preliminary usage] 8

 [2. Simplified requests and non-safe method of use] 9

 [3. Automatic model conversion] 10

 [4. Custom DataParser and Json serialization library Replace] 11

 [5. Files, bitmap upload and download] 12

 [6. Disable network and traffic statistics] 13

 [7. Retries and redirect] 14

 [8. Exceptions handling and cancellation request] 15

 [9. Multiple data transmission via POST(PUT)] 16

 [10. Asynchronous concurrency and scheduling strategy] 17

 [11. Global configuration and parameter settings Detailed] 18

 [12. Annotation-Based request] 19

 [13. Multilayer cache mechanism and usage] 20

 [14. Detailed of callback listener] 21

 [15. SmartExecutor: concurrent scheduler] 22

LiteHttp: Android网络通信框架

中文版 换个语种,再来一次

标签: litehttp2.x版本系列教程


QQ群: 大群 47357508二群 42960650


lite-http 初步使用 和 快速起步上手



1. lite-http是什么? (・̆⍛・̆)


2. 为什么选lite-http? (•́ ₃ •̀)


User user = liteHttp.get(url, User.class);


liteHttp.executeAsync(new FileRequest(url,path).setHttpListener(
	new HttpListener<File>(true, true, true) {
        public void onLoading(AbstractRequest<File> request, long total, long len) {
            // loading notification

        public void onSuccess(File file, Response<File> response) {
            // successfully download 


class LoginParam extends HttpRichParamModel<User> {
    private String name;
    private String password;

    public LoginParam(String name, String password) { = name;
        this.password = password;
liteHttp.executeAsync(new LoginParam("lucy", "123456"));


案例详情可见我另一篇lite-http引言文章:LiteHttp 引言:开发者为什么要选LiteHttp??

3. lite-http有什么特点? (´ڡ`)

  • 轻量级:微小的内存开销与Jar包体积,99K左右。

  • 单线程:请求本身具有线程无关特性,基于当前线程高效率运作。


  • 全自动:一行代码自动完成Model与Parameter、Json与Model。

  • 可配置:更多更灵活的配置选择项,多达 23+ 项。

  • 多态化:更加直观的API,输入和输出更加明确。

  • 强并发:自带强大的并发调度器,有效控制任务调度与队列控制策略。

  • 注解化:通过注解约定参数,URL、Method、ID、TAG等都可约定。

  • 易拓展:自定义DataParser将网络数据流转化为你想要的数据类型。

  • 可替换:基于接口,轻松替换网络连接实现方式和Json序列化库。

  • 多层缓存:内存命中更高效!多种缓存模式,支持设置缓存有效期。

  • 回调灵活:可选择当前或UI线程执行回调,开始结束、成败、上传、下载进度等都可监听。

  • 文件上传:支持单个、多个大文件上传。

  • 文件下载:支持文件、Bimtap下载及其进度通知。

  • 网络禁用:快速禁用一种、多种网络环境,比如指定禁用 2G,3G 。

  • 数据统计:链接、读取时长统计,以及流量统计。

  • 异常体系:统一、简明、清晰地抛出三类异常:客户端、网络、服务器,且异常都可精确细分。

  • GZIP压缩:Request, Response 自动 GZIP 压缩节省流量。

  • 自动重试:结合探测异常类型和当前网络状况,智能执行重试策略。

  • 自动重定向:基于 30X 状态的重试,且可设置最大次数防止过度跳转。

4. lite-http的整体架构是怎样的呀? (´ڡ`)


关于App架构,请看我另一篇文章分享: 怎样搭高质量的Android项目框架,框架的结构具体描述?

5. 老湿,来点教学和分析带我飞呗? (◕‸◕)

好的 ◝‿◜ ,下面直接给你看,疗效好记得联系我,呵呵哒:

1. 初始化和初步使用

2. 简化请求和非安全方法的使用

3. 自动对象转化

4. 自定义DataParser和Json序列化库的替换

5. 文件、位图的上传和下载

6. 禁用网络和流量、时间统计

7. 重试和重定向

8. 处理异常和取消请求

9. POST方式的多种类型数据传输

10. lite-http异步并发与调度策略

11. 全局配置与参数设置详解

12. 通过注解完成API请求

13. 多层缓存机制及用法

14. 回调监听器详解

15. 并发调度控制器详解

  • 通过HttpParamModel接口无法传参?


    参考: (1. 简单参数 HttpParamModel) 版本: lite-http-2.1.5.jar 继承HttpRichParamModel方式调试正常... 但是通过以下方式请求时, 发现日志中没有输出请求参数!!! LiteHttp liteHttp = LiteHttp.newApacheHttpClient(null); liteHttp.getConfig().setDebugged(true); liteHttp.executeAsync(new JsonRequest(new Goods(1, 0), ApiModel.class)); //LOG I/LiteHttp: lite http request: , tag: null , method: Get , cache mode: null , thread ID: 7536 , thread name: lite-1 //param参数page和type没有输出...服务端也没有收到请求参数

    /////////////////////////附加代码1 @HttpUri("") public static class Goods implements HttpParamModel { public Integer page; public Integer type; public Goods(Integer page, Integer type) { = page; this.type = type; } }

    //////////////////////附加代码2 public final class ApiModel { public Integer stateCode; public String message; public String result; public boolean isSuccess() { return stateCode == 200; } }

    opened by bf3400 6
  • android studio 提示HttpCacheExpire.class重复

    android studio 提示HttpCacheExpire.class重复

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'. duplicate entry: com/litesuits/http/annotation/HttpCacheExpire.class


    opened by lyx32 2
  • Cookie refected

    Cookie refected

    Cookie rejected: "BasicClientCookie[version=0,name=_da_ntes_uid,domain=xxxx,path=/,expiry=Thu Jan 05 09:44:27 GMT+08:00 2017]".

    Server Reject Client Exception (服务器拒绝或无法提供服务), code: 400, Bad Request


    opened by shuleihen 2
  • 请求失败


    我在请求这个连接时失败 String url = ""; getJson2: LiteHttpClient client = LiteHttpClient.newApacheHttpClient(this,"Mozilla/5.0"); Response res = client.execute(new Request(url)); return res.getString(); 但是使用org.apache的httpclient就能成功: HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url); HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); log("status = " + response.getStatusLine()); log("content " + response.getEntity().getContentLength()); InputStream in = response.getEntity().getContent(); return getStringFromInputStream(in); 这个链接多次重定向, 错误是 02-05 10:45:07.936: W/System.err(18855): 服务器拒绝或无法提供服务, http status code 400, Bad Request, 请求错误(请检查语义和参数) 02-05 10:45:07.936: W/System.err(18855): at com.litesuits.http.impl.apache.ApacheHttpClient.readDataWithRetries( 02-05 10:45:07.941: W/System.err(18855): at com.litesuits.http.impl.apache.ApacheHttpClient.readDataWithRetries( 02-05 10:45:07.941: W/System.err(18855): at com.litesuits.http.impl.apache.ApacheHttpClient.readDataWithRetries( 02-05 10:45:07.941: W/System.err(18855): at com.litesuits.http.impl.apache.ApacheHttpClient.execute( 02-05 10:45:07.941: W/System.err(18855): at com.example.test.MainActivity.getJson2( 02-05 10:45:07.941: W/System.err(18855): at com.example.test.MainActivity$

    opened by jinguoliang 2
  • 版本3.1.3.6 返回404

    版本3.1.3.6 返回404

    我用3.1.3.6请求一个接口。 返回404.但是我用PC浏览器,手机浏览器,HttpURLConnection都可以正常请求。 就是用litehttp请求返回404. 接口如下:

    opened by lyx32 0
  • 你们用这个框架的时候有没有报ConcurrentModificationException?


    java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextEntry( at java.util.LinkedHashMap$ at java.util.LinkedHashMap$ at com.litesuits.http.request.AbstractRequest.reqToString( at com.litesuits.http.request.AbstractRequest.toString( at java.lang.StringBuilder.append(


    opened by feiyuu 1
  • 这个链接请求,中文乱码!



    我这样请求是正常的中文: URL url = new URL(uri); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openConnection().getInputStream(), "GBK"));

    opened by Apples0609 0
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