A collection of useful Kotlin extension for Android



A collection of useful Kotlin extension for Android



Add to gradle in allprojects

maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

then add this

compile 'com.github.matteocrippa:karamba:1.2.0'


Karamba provides you a list of different and useful extensions for your project, here the list organized by the type extended.


  • support(apiVersion), lambda that allow you to run code only if current SDK is up to specified one
  • supportKitkat(), lambda that checks if kitkat is supported and run the code
  • supportLollipop(), lambda that checks if lollipop is supported and run the code


  • base64(), produces a base64 representation of the current bitmap
  • resize(height, width), resize the current bitmap to new format


  • toggle(), handle the bool as a toogle changing the value to opposite one, then the new value is returned (not yet possible to change this)
  • random(), returns a random boolean value, then the new value is returned (not yet possible to change this)


  • convertTo(format), converts current date to a custom format provided as argument (eg. dd-MM-yy HH:mm)
  • toCalendar(), converts current date to Calendar
  • isFuture(), returns true if date is in the future
  • isPast(), returns true if date is in the past
  • isToday(), returns if current date is today
  • isTomorrow(), returns if current date is tomorrow
  • isYesterday(), returns if current date is yesterday
  • today(), returns today's date
  • tomorrow(), returns tomorrow's date
  • yesterday(), returns yesterday's date
  • hour(), returns current date hour as number
  • minute(), returns current date minutes as number
  • second(), returns current date seconds as number
  • month(), returns current date month as number
  • monthName(), returns current date month as long name
  • year(), returns current date year as number
  • day(), returns current date day as number
  • dayOfWeek(), returns current date day of the week as number
  • dayOfWeekName(), returns current date weekday as string
  • dayOfYear(), returns current date day of year as number


  • localCurrency(currency), converts current double to the currency format passed as argument (eg. EUR)
  • celsiusToFahrenheit(), converts current double to fahrenheit
  • fahrenheitToCelsius(), converts current double to celsius


  • toBitmap(), converts the current drawable in Bitmap


  • readableDistanceFromMeters(), converts an int amount of meters in a readable meter, kilometers distance
  • commaSeparatedId(), converts an array of int, in a string of comma separated items
  • random(), provides a random number in the range provided (eg. (0..10).random())


  • isValidEmail(), returns if current string is a valid email
  • isUrl(), returns if current string is a valid url
  • isNumeric(), returns if current string contains a number
  • isPhoneNumber(), returns if current string contains a phone number
  • random(lenght), returns a random string of provided length
  • toBitmap(), convert current base64 string into Bitmap
  • ellipsize(chars), ellipsizes the current string, truncating at defined amount of characters
  • toDate(format), converts current string in a Date object using the provided format
  • plainText(), removes all html formatting from current string
  • toCamelCase(), camel case the current string current string


  • toBitmap(), converts current view into Bitmap


Icon is taken by free emojii set by Vincent Le Moign

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    Kotlin extensions is huge, I think author should separate extensions by modules.

    For examples:

    • core module, include generic class type helpers: 'com.github.matteocrippa:karamba-core:1.2.0'
    • image module, include bitmap, drawable, images helpers: 'com.github.matteocrippa:karamba-image:1.2.0'
    • localization module, include currency, locale, country,... helpers: 'com.github.matteocrippa:karamba-localization:1.2.0'
    • dialogs module, include alert, toast, bottomsheet helpers: 'com.github.matteocrippa:karamba-dialogs:1.2.0'

    ... Core android (ktx) already do that, reference modules of material-dialogs: https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs

    opened by dphans 0
Matteo Crippa
👨🏻‍💻 Senior Software Engineer
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