Guice DSL extensions for Kotlin



Guice extensions for Kotlin. This provides extension wrappers and extension methods for providing a better Guice DSL experience from Kotlin. It takes advantage of reified types to reduce class references like bind( to bind<MyResource>().


Download the latest JAR via Maven:


or Gradle:

compile 'dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4:kotlin-guice:1.5.0'

Getting Started


Use KotlinModule for Guice modules instead of AbstractModule to take advantage of the enhanced Kotlin Guice DSL.

import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.KotlinModule

class MyModule : KotlinModule() {
    override fun configure() {

The KotlinPrivateModule can also be used if only some bindings need to be exposed.

import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.KotlinPrivateModule

class MyPrivateModule : KotlinPrivateModule() {
    override fun configure() {


The Guice injector has been enhanced with extension methods to make direct use of the injector better from Kotlin.

import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.annotatedKey
import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.getInstance

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  val injector = Guice.createInjector(MyModule(), MyPrivateModule())
  val paymentService = injector.getInstance<PaymentService<CreditCard>>()
  // Use the annotatedKey to get an annotated instance
  val payPalProcessor = injector.getInstance(annotatedKey<CreditCardProcessor, PayPayl>())

Key and TypeLiteral

Package level functions are included to enhance creating Key and TypeLiteral instances from kotlin.

import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.annotatedKey
import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.key
import dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.typeLiteral

val key = key<String>()
val annotatedKey = annotatedKey<String, SomeAnnotation>()
val sameAnnotatedDifferentKey = annotatedKey.getType<Long>()

val listType = typeLiteral<PaymentService<CreditCrd>>()


As of version 1.4.1 the kotlin-guice-multibindings module is gone and the functionality has been merged into kotlin-guice.


val multibinder = KotlinMultibinder.newSetBinder<Snack>(kotlinBinder)

val mapbinder = KotlinMapBinder.newMapBinder<String, Snack>(kotlinBinder)

With Guice 4.2+, scanning for methods with the multibinding annotations ProvidesIntoSet, ProvidesIntoMap, and ProvidesIntoOptional is enabled by default. However, the default scanner only provides bindings for Java collection types. In order to get bindings for Kotlin collection types, install the KotlinMultibindingsScanner.



Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • fix issue with binder caching in kotlin module

    fix issue with binder caching in kotlin module

    unfortunately protected val kotlinBinder: KotlinBinder by lazy { does not always work fine and can cache wrong binder. As result guice can't find some dependencies even these are declared.

    please take a look test that confirm this issue here

    it is fairly easy to cache "wrong" binder for Kotlin module. Eg val elements = Elements.getElements(modules). it uses RecordingBinder which is cached by Kotlin module after first usage.

    the only solution that I was able to find saving backward compatibility is to delete by lazy { for kotlinBinder: KotlinBinder.

    opened by ashirman 11
  • Support bindInterceptor on final classes

    Support bindInterceptor on final classes

    Since everything is final by default in kotlin, guice's interceptors don't immediately work, and in fact silently fail. This is not hard to google a solution to, assuming you have tests around the caching; however, the kotlin wrapper should either detect this and raise an error, or (ideally) provide a solution (perhaps an open delegating proxy) that allows aop to work.

    opened by reubenfirmin 6
  • Release is still pointing dependencies to Kotlin JRE

    Release is still pointing dependencies to Kotlin JRE


    Just to let you know that the released version on maven central (the one being pulled by gradle) is still pointing its kotlin dependencies to org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:1.1.4-3

    Pull Request #4 fixes this on master, but the release was never officially made it seems.

    This is causing a few jar clashes between Kotlin versions locally.


    opened by Hydragyrum 6
  • Multibindings broken with guice 5.1.0: BINDING_ALREADY_SET

    Multibindings broken with guice 5.1.0: BINDING_ALREADY_SET

    The recently released guice 5.1.0 appears to change something that breaks the way the KotlinMultibinder binds the Set (and I think similar for the way the KotlinMapBinder binds the Map) and it appears that both the guice native multibinder and the kotlin-guice KotlinMultibinder are attempting to set the same binding. Looking at the commit list, probably related to and ?

      spek2:KotlinMultibinderSpec:KotlinMultibinder:@ProvidesIntoSet:binds complex types into an annotated set
        => Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
    1) [Guice/BindingAlreadySet]: Set<? extends Callable<A>> annotated with @Annotated() was bound multiple times.
    Bound at:
    1  : KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1.provideAnnotatedACallable(KotlinMultibinderSpec.kt:298)
          \_ installed by: KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1 -> RealMultibinder
    2  : KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1.provideAnnotatedACallable(KotlinMultibinderSpec.kt:298)
          \_ installed by: KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1 -> RealKotlinMultibinder
    Learn more:
    2) [Guice/BindingAlreadySet]: Set<? extends Callable<A>> was bound multiple times.
    Bound at:
    1  : KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1.provideUnannotatedACallable(KotlinMultibinderSpec.kt:309)
          \_ installed by: KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1 -> RealMultibinder
    2  : KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1.provideUnannotatedACallable(KotlinMultibinderSpec.kt:309)
          \_ installed by: KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1 -> RealKotlinMultibinder
    Learn more:
    2 errors
    Full classname legend:
    A:                                        "dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.multibindings.A"
    Annotated:                                "dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.multibindings.Annotated"
    Callable:                                 "java.util.concurrent.Callable"
    KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1: "dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.multibindings.KotlinMultibinderSpec$1$1$4$4$injector$1"
    RealKotlinMultibinder:                    "dev.misfitlabs.kotlinguice4.multibindings.RealKotlinMultibinder"
    RealMultibinder:                          ""
    End of classname legend:
    opened by josephlbarnett 5
  • Upgrade Guice to 5.0.1 and Kotlin to 1.4.32

    Upgrade Guice to 5.0.1 and Kotlin to 1.4.32

    This upgrades:

    • Guice to 5.0.1
    • Kotlin to 1.4.32

    Guice 5.0.1 replaces cglib which removes a ton of 'illegal reflective access' warnings that previously came from Guice when running it on newer versions of JVM.

    opened by jsfr 4
  • Null provider message isn't specific

    Null provider message isn't specific

    I'm testing my module using mocks. I'm not supplying a particular property (somewhere). I get the following error message: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
    1) Binding to null instances is not allowed. Use toProvider(Providers.of(null)) if this is your intended behaviour.
      at com.authzee.kotlinguice4.internal.KotlinBindingBuilder.toInstance(KotlinBindingBuilder.kt)
    1 error

    Please ensure you are naming the null property in this message, otherwise it's extremely hard to track down.

    opened by reubenfirmin 4
  • Better @Named binding support

    Better @Named binding support

    Currently, regular bindings can use .annotatedWith(Names.named(name)) to do a named binding, but fall back to regular Guice, rather than kotlin-guice after doing so:


    instead of being able to do something like:

    bind<Interface>().annotatedWith(Names.named(name)).to<Implementation>() or, potentially something like: bind<Interface>().named(name).to<Implementation>()

    On the Multibinding support, it doesn't appear that named bindings are supported at all, and need to fall back fully to regular Guice: Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(),, Names.named(name)).addBinding().to(

    instead of being able to do something like:

    KotlinMultibinder.namedSetBinder<Interface>(kotlinBinder, name).addBinding().to<Implementation>()

    opened by josephlbarnett 1
  • Replace dependency on JRE8 with JDK8

    Replace dependency on JRE8 with JDK8

    Including the JRE package results in Gradle build warnings about it being deprecated. See

    opened by j-mew-s 1
  • Guice 4.2

    Guice 4.2


    Small PR with a few updates to kotlin, guice, and other dependencies.

    I've removed the separate multibinding module because since guice 4.2 it's part of core. Moved everything related to multibinding into the main module.

    Let me know what you think.


    opened by hcura 1
  •  Upgrade to Guice 4.2

    Upgrade to Guice 4.2

    With Guice 4.2 the guice-multibindings extension was merged into Guice core. This commit mirrors that change such that the kotlin-guice-multibindings files are not part of kotlin-guice and the kotlin-guice-multibindings module has been removed.

    opened by johnlcox 0
  • replace TyppeLiteral anonymous-object syntax with KType

    replace TyppeLiteral anonymous-object syntax with KType

    the extensive use of this function:

    means you are going to end up with a lot of class files pretaining to anonymous overloads. The TypeLiteral hack was added by google as a clever way to avoid type-erasure.

    But in a library such as this, I believe you should use java.lang.reflect.Type and kotlin.reflect.KType, which each do not suffer from type-erasure and will not require any additional *.class files.

    If you're unfamiliar with java.lang.reflect.Type, its effectively wrappers on fully-qualified class strings such as "java.util.ArrayList<? extends java.lang.String>" and they can be used to preserve generic info, making them the obvious choice for guice-binding logic, they're just difficult for users to handle correctly.

    I suggest using something like this:

    inline fun <reified T> kotlinTypeKey(
            annotation: Annotation? = null,
            annotationType: KClass<out Annotation>? = null
    ): Key<T> {
        if(annotation != null) require(annotationType == null)
        if(annotationType != null) require(annotation == null)
        val ktype = typeOf<T>()
        val baseType = ktype.javaType
        val result = when {
            annotation != null -> Key.get(baseType, annotation)
            annotationType != null -> Key.get(baseType,
            else -> Key.get(baseType)
        return result as Key<T>

    Once completed, there should be a (measurable) reduction in class files and possibly a measurable increase in performance, particularly for slow hard-drive computers using *.class file distributions (rather than jar distributions).

    an implementation note:

    while this is technically 1.3 compatible, on 1.3.61 the javaType extension in kotlin-jvm will throw. Unfortunately this cant be solved via a simple if-statement because if you expose

    public inline fun <reified T> someBindWrapper(...) {
      if(version == "1.4") {
        //do lightweight j.l.r.Type & KType binding
      else {
        //use heavyweight anonymous typeLiteral overload
        doBinding(object: TypeLiteral<T>(){}) //<-- generates a class file

    then, of course, because the if statement cannot be done at compile time, the compiler will generate the class files that we're trying to avoid in the first place! While the native community might solve this with something like #IFDEF KOTLIN_1_4, for better and for worse we have no such device

    I'm really not sure what an elegent solution here is:

    • You could of course create a separate release for 1.4+ and 1.0-1.3, but that's cloogy and opens the door for version hell.
    • You could simply wait to introduce such a patch until 1.4 becomes main-stream, and then add a hard-dependency on kotlin 1.4.
    • You could shadow (read: copy and paste into a new package) the javaType extension function from 1.4. Its not huge and its not too dependent on kotlin 1.4, but it is a reasonably sophisticated string parser and it is responsible for mapping things like kotlin.String to java.lang.String, and kotlin.collections.List<A> to java.util.List<? extends A>.

    Anyways, if you're interested, I'd be happy to give an implemenation a try and issue a pull request!

    opened by Groostav 3
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