

Para visualizar contenido Offline es necesario primero que se carguen los datos correspondiente y posteriormene todos los datos cargados persistirán.

Add your API key in file.


Minimum SDK 16


MVVM Architecture Architecture

Components (Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel, Room Persistence)

DataBinding Material Design & Animations

The Movie DB API Dagger2 for dependency injection Retrofit2 & Gson for constructing the REST API

OkHttp3 for implementing interceptor, # logging and mocking web server # Glide for loading images

BaseRecyclerViewAdapter for implementing adapters and viewHolders

WhatIf - checking nullable object and empty collections more fluently

Timber for logging # Stetho for debugging persistence data & network packets # Ripple animation, Shared element transition

Custom Views ExpandableTextView

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