One merchant integration point for all of PayPal's services

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[WIP] One merchant integration point for all of PayPal's services

Static Analysis Tools


This project uses Detekt for Kotlin code analysis. To run the code analysis:

./gradlew detekt

This will output a list of violations, if any.

Running the gradle task with the -PdetektAutoCorrect parameter, will automatically correct formatting issues:

./gradlew detekt -PdetektAutoCorrect

Detekt rules are configured in detekt/detekt-config.yml.


This project uses Jacoco for gathering code coverage metrics. We leverage the 3rd-party jacoco-android-gradle-plugin to integrate Jacoco into our project.

To run code coverage analysis:

./gradlew jacocoTestReport

The results are then generated in each module's respective build/jacoco folder (e.g. Card/build/jacoco).

  • Integration with Java

    Integration with Java

    Summary of changes

    A callback has been added to Card.approveOrder in order to facilitate integrations with merchants using Java. The callback pattern is the desired choice to use across the app


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • jonoriega
    • sshropshire
    opened by jcnoriega 5
  • Use Java Style Callback for CardClient

    Use Java Style Callback for CardClient

    Summary of changes

    • Use Java Style Callback in CardClient
    • This will eliminate the need for merchants to return null when implementing a callback in Java


    ~- [ ] Added a changelog entry~

    opened by sshropshire 5
  • Rename: PayPalNativeCheckout prefix for Native checkout integration

    Rename: PayPalNativeCheckout prefix for Native checkout integration

    Thank you for your contribution to PayPal.

    Before submitting this PR, note that we cannot accept language translation PRs. We have a dedicated localization team to provide the translations. If there is an error in a specific translation, you may open an issue and we will escalate it to the localization team.

    Summary of changes

    • Refactor to rename all of the classes to start with the prefix PayPalNativeCheckout


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @jcnoriega
    opened by jcnoriega 4
  • Add Networking Layer

    Add Networking Layer

    Summary of changes

    This PR scaffolds our Http class, which can be used to make network requests

    • Add Http class to make a simple GET request
    • We will use HttpURLConnection for networking to minimize dependency on 3rd-party libraries
    • The remainder of this class can be TDD'd, e.g. once we have a feature that requires an HTTP POST, we can add this feature to Http as needed


    ~- [ ] Added a changelog entry~


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @sshropshire
    opened by sshropshire 4
  • Initial FPTI Networking Capability

    Initial FPTI Networking Capability

    Reason for changes

    • See summary of

    Summary of changes

    • Add analytics specific method on HttpRequestFactory to construct HttpRequest
    • Add AnalyticsEventData data class to model JSON post structure
    • Add DeviceInspector class to perform all app Context and build specific information extraction


    • ~Added a changelog entry~ Will update CHANGELOG once events are sent.


    @sshropshire @scannillo @kgangineni

    opened by scannillo 3
  • Creates test section for styling buttons

    Creates test section for styling buttons

    Thank you for your contribution to PayPal.

    Before submitting this PR, note that we cannot accept language translation PRs. We have a dedicated localization team to provide the translations. If there is an error in a specific translation, you may open an issue and we will escalate it to the localization team.

    Summary of changes

    Test section for styling buttons testSection


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @kgangineni

    opened by kgangineni 3
  • [DO NOT MERGE] Spike 3DS

    [DO NOT MERGE] Spike 3DS

    Summary of changes

    • Spike to initiate a 3DS Verification Flow
    • This requires an application_context when creating an Order via ppcp_merchant_server
    • For now, we're forwarding these parameters to the merchant server
    • In the future, we should find a way to set return_url and cancel_url when calling confirm-payment-source to avoid requiring a merchant to provide a server-side integration in order to perform 3DS Verification


    ~- [ ] Added a changelog entry~

    opened by sshropshire 3
  • CardClient Confirm Payment Source

    CardClient Confirm Payment Source

    Summary of changes

    • This PR adds CardClient#confirmPaymentSource() method that calls /v2/checkout/orders/<ORDER_ID>/confirm-payment-source endpoint


    • [x] Added a changelog entry


    • @jcnoriega
    • @sshropshire
    opened by sshropshire 3
  • [DTNOR-151] Demo App Card Form

    [DTNOR-151] Demo App Card Form

    Thank you for your contribution to PayPal.

    Before submitting this PR, note that we cannot accept language translation PRs. We have a dedicated localization team to provide the translations. If there is an error in a specific translation, you may open an issue and we will escalate it to the localization team.

    Summary of changes


    This PR adds the card fields UI to the demo app. Jetpack Compose was used for this UI.


    • [ ] ~Added a changelog entry~


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @sarahkoop
    • @andrespelaezp
    opened by tdchow 3
  • Single session id for analytics

    Single session id for analytics

    Thank you for your contribution to PayPal.

    Summary of changes


    • Single session Id for all FPTI events in same session
    • delegate analytics to AnalyticsClient


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @kgangineni @scannillo
    opened by kgangineni 2
  • docs for creating order with billing agreement

    docs for creating order with billing agreement

    Summary of changes

    • add docs for using Billing Agreement with native checkout


    • ~[ ] Added a changelog entry~


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @kgangineni
    opened by kgangineni 2
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