dns library for android


Qiniu Happy DNS for Android

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DnsManager 可以创建一次,一直使用。

    IResolver[] resolvers = new IResolver[3];
    resolvers[0] = AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver(getContext()); //系统默认 DNS 服务器
    resolvers[1] = new Resolver(InetAddress.getByName("")); //自定义 DNS 服务器地址
    resolvers[2] = new QiniuDns(accountId, encryptKey, expireTimeMs); //七牛 http dns 服务
    DnsManager dns = new DnsManager(NetworkInfo.normal(), resolvers);

其中,七牛 http dns 服务所需的参数如下:

参数 描述
accountId 账户名称,从七牛控制台获取
encryptKey 加密所需的 key,从七牛控制台获取
expireTimeSecond Unix 时间戳,单位为秒,该时间后请求过期

QiniuDns 提供了 setHttpssetEncrypted 两个方法,用于设置是否启用 SSL,与请求的 URL 是否加密。


$ ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest


Android 最低要求 2.3





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  • 如果有什么问题,可以到问答社区提问,问答社区
  • 如果发现了bug, 欢迎提交 issue
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  • 如果要提交代码,欢迎提交 pull request
  • 欢迎关注我们的微信 微博,及时获取动态信息。


  • 如果软件有国外的使用情况时,建议初始化程序采取这样的方式,下面代码只是根据时区做简单判断,开发者可以根据自己需要使用更精确的判断方式
DnsManager dns;
	IResolver[] resolvers = new IResolver[2];
    resolvers[0] = new DnspodFree();
    resolvers[1] = AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver(getContext());
    dns = new DnsManager(NetworkInfo.normal, resolvers);
	IResolver[] resolvers = new IResolver[2];
    resolvers[0] = AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver(getContext());
    resolvers[1] = new Resolver(InetAddress.getByName(""));
    dns = new DnsManager(NetworkInfo.normal, resolvers);


The MIT License (MIT).详情见 License文件.

  • 这种用法无法解决dns解析被网络运营商解析成错误的ip地址的问题



    IResolver[] resolvers = new IResolver[2];
    resolvers[0] = AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver();
    resolvers[1] = new Resolver(InetAddress.getByName(""));
    dns = new DnsManager(NetworkInfo.normal, resolvers);
    opened by kris520 2
  • DnsException 出现 ZipException 运行时异常

    DnsException 出现 ZipException 运行时异常

    编译 OK,无法打包。

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForOfficialDebug'.
    > com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: com/qiniu/android/dns/DnsException.class
    opened by cxyxlxdm 2
  • 添加Doh,DohJson,IPV6支持





    Dns over https(RFC8484)

    opened by ag2s20150909 1
  •  ///Android 8 , net.dns* was disabled, query dns servers must use net…

    ///Android 8 , net.dns* was disabled, query dns servers must use net…

    …work callback

    ///@see https://developer.android.com/about/versions/oreo/android-8.0-changes.html

    if change build target to 26 and run in android 8.0, happy dns will not work.

    this commit try to fix it, and all test pass except LocalServerTest!

    opened by heroyin 1
  • DnspodEnterprise 内置默认ip更换

    DnspodEnterprise 内置默认ip更换

    DnspodEnterprise 默认ip是

    官方公告说明对于企业版也推荐更换ip https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/379/56885

    DnspodEnterprise 实现是 DES 加解密,默认 ip 换成

    opened by ongakuer 1
  • AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver(); 缺少参数

    AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver(); 缺少参数

    编译时,AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver(); 这行代码报错,提示:

            IResolver r1 = AndroidDnsServer.defaultResolver();
      需要: Context
      找到: 没有参数
      原因: 实际参数列表和形式参数列表长度不同

    看了源码,需要传入 Context,然而文档里没有提到需要传这个,也没讲如何获取

    opened by Lyrillind 1
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