RuneTopic Lobby Server
The RuneTopic lobby server implementation that hosts and processes a lobby.
Setup Guide
You can host a lobby server with Docker or with your local machine.
Before continuing, download a game cache and place it inside "/HOMEDIRECTORY/REVISION/" where "HOMEDIRECTORY" is your Operating System user home directory and "REVISION" is the revision of the client you are targeting.
/John Appleseed/647/
Hosting With Docker
Please follow this guide to setup Docker Compose.
Once Docker Compose is setup on your machine, clone the repository and run the following commands in terminal.
Note: Make sure to build using Gradle before attempting to host.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Hosting With Local Machine
When hosting on your local machine, you must set an environment variable to specify the host address the lobby server is to bind to.
After cloning the repository, edit the run configuration of the Gradle "run" task and add the following environment variable.
Then launch the application with the task.