Kotlin DSL http client



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Kotlin DSL http client


๐Ÿ”น Developers Experience-driven library without verbosity.

๐Ÿ”น Native way to use http client in Kotlin.


๐Ÿ”น Asynchronous and blocking requests.

๐Ÿ”น Upload files.

๐Ÿ”น Logging - easily dump your http requests or convert them to cURL commands.

๐Ÿ”น Minimal footprint.

Quick start

// Use String or URL extensions send simple request
val response = "https://my-host.com/users?admin=true".httpGet()

// Parse response with your favorite library
val users = response.toJson()

// Use sync or async methods to send your requests
// Configure method params, headers, cookies and body in a concise way
val notifications: List<Deferred<Response>> = users.forEach { user ->
    httpPostAsync {
        param {
            "userId" to user[id]
            "eventType" to NewFriend
        header {
            "locale" to "en_EN"
            cookie {
                "user_session" to "toFycNV"
                "authToken" to "d2dwa6011w96c93ct3e3493d4a1b5c8751563217409"


About kohttp



Kotlin DSL:

implementation(group = "io.github.rybalkinsd", name = "kohttp", version = "0.12.0")

Groovy DSL:

implementation 'io.github.rybalkinsd:kohttp:0.12.0'



Table of contents

  • Generic http/httpAsync DSL

    Generic http/httpAsync DSL

    This is a pull request to enable dynamic http request, see issue mentioned here: https://github.com/rybalkinsd/kohttp/issues/169

    Summary: With the current version the end-user needs to explicitly specify which http context to use for each http method type, see here code snippet from the issue https://github.com/rybalkinsd/kohttp/issues/169:

    package it.skrape.core.fetcher
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.client.defaultHttpClient
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.client.fork
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.*
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.context.HttpContext
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.ext.url
    import it.skrape.core.Request
    import it.skrape.core.Result
    import org.jsoup.Connection
    class KoFetcher(private val request: Request): Fetcher {
    	private val client = defaultHttpClient.fork {
    		followRedirects = request.followRedirects
    		readTimeout = request.timeout.toLong()
    	override fun fetch(): Result {
    		val requester = when(request.method) {
    			Connection.Method.GET -> httpGet(client, getContext())
    			Connection.Method.POST -> httpPost(client, getContext())
    			Connection.Method.PUT -> httpPut(client, getContext())
    			Connection.Method.DELETE -> httpDelete(client, getContext())
    			Connection.Method.PATCH -> httpPatch(client, getContext())
    			Connection.Method.HEAD -> httpHead(client, getContext())
    			else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Method is not supported by KoHttp")
    		requester.use {
    			return Result(
    				responseBody = it.body()?.string() ?: "",
    				statusCode = it.code(),
    				statusMessage = it.message(),
    				contentType = it.header("Content-Type"),
    				headers = it.headers().names().associateBy({item -> item}, {item -> it.header(item, "")!!}),
    				request = request
    	private fun getContext(): HttpContext.() -> Unit = {
    		header {
    			"User-Agent" to request.userAgent
    			cookie {

    Provided solution Within this pull request a http request can be executed by either specifying the http method or http context. The underlying function will determine during runtime which http context to use by the provided arguments.

    The above snippet can be rewritten with the following snippet:

    package it.skrape.core.fetcher
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.client.defaultHttpClient
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.client.fork
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.*
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.context.HttpContext
    import io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.ext.url
    import it.skrape.core.Request
    import it.skrape.core.Result
    import org.jsoup.Connection
    class KoFetcher(private val request: Request): Fetcher {
    	private val client = defaultHttpClient.fork {
    		followRedirects = request.followRedirects
    		readTimeout = request.timeout.toLong()
    	override fun fetch(): Result {
    	    method: Method = Method.valueOf(request.method.toString)
    	    val requester = http(method = method, init = getContext)
    		requester.use {
    			return Result(
    				responseBody = it.body()?.string() ?: "",
    				statusCode = it.code(),
    				statusMessage = it.message(),
    				contentType = it.header("Content-Type"),
    				headers = it.headers().names().associateBy({item -> item}, {item -> it.header(item, "")!!}),
    				request = request
    	private fun getContext(): HttpContext.() -> Unit = {
    		header {
    			"User-Agent" to request.userAgent
    			cookie {

    Note This pull request is currently WIP to get review input on the initial solution. Some unit tests are already added to provide example usages.

    opened by Hakky54 17
  • Have problem when use multipartBody

    Have problem when use multipartBody


    I have a problem when using kohttp to upload an image when using multipartBody I have to upload an image and also needs some data like "name" and "id" like the attached image in Postman. I also need to add "Authorization" in the header. ่žขๅน•ๅฟซ็…ง 2019-07-06 16 21 14

    below is my code

    val path = "$serverURL"
            val response = httpPost {
                header {
                    "content-type" to "multipart/form-data"
                    "Authorization" to "Bearer " + myToken
                multipartBody {
                    "name" to name
                    "id" to "123"

    The image cannot upload and seems like name & id also not send to the server. Can you help me if there is any wrong when I use kohttp to upload the file?

    opened by rraayy 12
  • Response extension functions

    Response extension functions

    Response is rather verbose, especially accessing body content.

    httpXXX { } .use {
            val content = it.body()?.string().asJson()

    Need to observe other http clients and figure out how dsl approach can serve users for clear response consumption.

    Previously EagerResponse was introduced, however it's usage is also rather complex

    enhancement good first issue in progress ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป design stage 
    opened by rybalkinsd 9
  • Log Interceptor

    Log Interceptor

    Analyse okhttp log interceptor Figure out how to provide our own with minimal DSL configuration Try to avoid any dependencies for this case.

    From the first view okhttp-logging-interceptor's provides too verbose logs

    enhancement good first issue design stage 
    opened by rybalkinsd 9
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in API Level 23 (Android 6)

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in API Level 23 (Android 6)

    I'm using Kohttp with AndroidAnnotations. For debug builds, I'm using MultiDex and for release builds, I'm disabling MultiDex and enabling ProGuard and Shrinking.

    Everything is working fine on Android 8 and 9 devices. However, for Android 4.4 and 6 devices, I'm getting the following error when doing a post request:

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.context.HeaderContext$sam$java_util_function_BiConsumer$0
            at io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.context.HeaderContext.forEach$kohttp(HeaderContext.kt:20)
            at io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.context.HttpContext.makeHeaders(HttpContext.kt:50)
            at io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.context.HttpContext.makeRequest(HttpContext.kt:38)
            at io.github.rybalkinsd.kohttp.dsl.HttpPostDslKt.httpPost(HttpPostDsl.kt:48)
            at com.eximusedu.app.service.Service.login(Service.kt:62)
            at com.eximusedu.app.LoginActivity.doLogin(LoginActivity.kt:137)
            at com.eximusedu.app.LoginActivity_.access$101(LoginActivity_.java:35)
            at com.eximusedu.app.LoginActivity_$5.execute(LoginActivity_.java:162)
            at org.androidannotations.api.BackgroundExecutor$Task.run(BackgroundExecutor.java:400)
            at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:423)
            at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
            at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:154)
            at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:269)
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)

    What could possibly the issue here? Thanks.

    opened by sharafat 8
  • Scope

    Scope "Runtime" for dependencies?

    I am sure you have good reasons for. But it took me longer than I am willing to admit to figure out why "okhttp3.Response" could not be resolved.

    Could you either:

    • change the scope to "compile"
    • change the documentation so that new users will recognize that.
    bug in progress ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป 
    opened by jschneider 8
  • WIP: Add tests for HttpPostContext content-type

    WIP: Add tests for HttpPostContext content-type

    I've added a couple tests which I think cover most of the functionality. I couldn't get the first way (header) to work.

    I don't believe this is ready to merge, hence the "WIP" in the title. Mostly looking to see whether I'm going in the right direction or not.


    opened by mlevesquedion 8
  • Add tests for HttpPostContext content-type

    Add tests for HttpPostContext content-type

    Hello, I try to resolve #62 , but I can't do to the last. Because, this comment's ( https://github.com/rybalkinsd/kohttp/issues/62#issue-396198795 ) 1st way ( header { type } ) seems not to work.

    So, at first I try to implement 2nd and 3rd way's test.

    opened by doyaaaaaken 7
  • Dependency on Jackson even tho it is only used in one extension method

    Dependency on Jackson even tho it is only used in one extension method

    Hey. I've noticed that there is a dependency on Jackson. Is it really that necessary to add it to the library just to use it inside of one extension method? Can it be possibly moved to a separate artifact?

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by dtropanets 7
  • adds interceptor to sign query params

    adds interceptor to sign query params

    Initial implementation for #52.

    I considered both the approaches mentioned in the issue.

    DSL on params

    • Simple, straightforward
    • It was at the request level
    • Limited to just the query params

    Defining an interceptor

    • Defined at the client level
    • Potential to access other aspects of the Request for signing the request

    Different services sign their requests differently eg: amazon vs twitter

    @rybalkinsd But would it be more flexible to let user the user define their own interceptor? Thoughts?

    We can further refactor the implementation based on the design we arrive at.

    opened by gokulchandra 7
  • `url()` with params and `param { }` works not obvious together

    `url()` with params and `param { }` works not obvious together

    At the moment we ignore url( ) parameters.

    It would be better if we will add them as a primary source of params.


    • [x] "path/?a=b"
    • [x] "path?a=b"
    • [x] "path/?a=b&c=&d=123"
    • [x] "path?a=b#tag"
    • [x] "path?a=xxx&a=&a=yyy
    opened by rybalkinsd 6
  • url is double encoded if used with url(encodedUrl)

    url is double encoded if used with url(encodedUrl)

    In a sequence of calls when first call returns encoded url as redirect it cannot be used for next call with url(encodedUrl) as the library encodes path again. There is no bool to disable path encoding as far as i could find.

    opened by mazmar 0
  • How can I use kohttp for this specific curl command?

    How can I use kohttp for this specific curl command?

    I'd like to replace the usage of crude shell commands with a nice library, and kohttp looks quite promising

    One example I'm testing against, it's from gradle kts exec{}:

    commandLine("curl", "-X", "GET", "-H", "Authorization: token $token", "https://api.github.com/repos/kotlin-graphics/mary/contents/$path")

    I tried to port that over to kohttp

        val response = httpGet {
            host = "https://api.github.com/repos/kotlin-graphics/mary/contents/$path"
            header {
                "-H" to "Authorization: token $token"

    But unfortunately, all I get is:

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':publishToGithub'. unexpected host: https://api.github.com/repos/kotlin-graphics/mary/contents/mattei.txt

    What am I doing wrong?

    Ps: sorry for asking this here if this is not the right place to

    opened by elect86 0
  • Response doc is misleading - .asJson is missing

    Response doc is misleading - .asJson is missing

    The doc says there's .asJson extension method, but there is nohing in sources, perhabs it's lost when factoring out jackson dependency. Note that kohttp-jackson also don't have .asJson method.

    opened by ivan-klass 1
  • Bump kohttp version to work with latest Android

    Bump kohttp version to work with latest Android

    The currently used kohttp version is 3.14.2 which is not working with Android level 30+

    According to this stackoverflow question bumping okhttp to version 4.9.0 should fix the problem

    opened by christian-draeger 6
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