Simple Design for Kotlin bridge with Javascript. Also can get javascript console.log.


language language language language

SDBridgeJava is here.

If your h5 partner confused about how to deal with iOS and Android. This Demo maybe help.

bilibili video introduction is here.

YouTube video is here.


I strongly recommend

repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.SDBridge:SDBridgeKotlin:1.0.3'
  1. Instantiate bridge with a WebView in Kotlin:
    private fun setupView(){
        val buttonSync = findViewById<Button>(
        val buttonAsync = findViewById<Button>(
        mWebView = findViewById(
        bridge = WebViewJavascriptBridge(_context = this,_webView = mWebView )

        bridge?.consolePipe = object : ConsolePipe {
            override fun post(string : String){
        bridge?.register("DeviceLoadJavascriptSuccess",object : Handler {
            override fun handler(map: HashMap<String, Any>?, callback: Callback) {
                println("Next line is javascript data->>>")
//                println(map)
                val result = HashMap<String, Any>()
                result["result"] = "Android"
        mWebView!!.webViewClient = webClient
        // Loading html in local ,This way maybe meet cross domain. So You should not forget to set
        // /*...setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs... */
        // If you loading remote web server,That can be ignored.


    private val webClient = object : WebViewClient() {
        override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView?, request: WebResourceRequest?): Boolean {
            return false
        override fun onPageStarted(view: WebView?, url: String?, favicon: Bitmap?) {
        override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView?, url: String?) {
  1. In Kotlin, and call a Javascript Sync/Async function:
  override fun onClick(v: View?){
   -> {
                val data = java.util.HashMap<String, Any>()
                data["AndroidKey00"] = "AndroidValue00"
                //call js Sync function
                bridge?.call("GetToken", data, object : Callback {
                    override fun call(map: HashMap<String, Any>?){
                        println("Next line is javascript data->>>")
                val data = java.util.HashMap<String, Any>()
                data["AndroidKey01"] = "AndroidValue01"
                //call js Async function
                bridge?.call("AsyncCall", data, object : Callback {
                    override fun call(map: HashMap<String, Any>?){
                        println("Next line is javascript data->>>")
  1. In javascript file or typescript and html file like :
<div id="SDBridge"> web content </div>
    // Give webview 1.5s to load other javascript files.
        console.log("Javascript: Hello World.");
        const bridge = window.WebViewJavascriptBridge;
        // JS tries to call the native method to judge whether it has been loaded successfully and let itself know whether its user is in android app or IOS app
        bridge.callHandler('DeviceLoadJavascriptSuccess', {key: 'JSValue'}, function(response) {
            let result = response.result
            if (result === "iOS") {
                console.log("Javascript was loaded by IOS and successfully loaded.");
                document.getElementById("SDBridge").innerText = "Javascript was loaded by IOS and successfully loaded.";
                window.iOSLoadJSSuccess = true;
            } else if (result === "Android") {
                console.log("Javascript was loaded by Android and successfully loaded.");
                document.getElementById("SDBridge").innerText = "Javascript was loaded by Android and successfully loaded.";
                window.AndroidLoadJSSuccess = true;
        // JS register method is called by native
        bridge.registerHandler('GetToken', function(data, responseCallback) {
            document.getElementById("SDBridge").innerText = "JS get native data:" + JSON.stringify(data);
            let result = {token: "I am javascript's token"}
            //JS gets the data and returns it to the native
        bridge.registerHandler('AsyncCall', function(data, responseCallback) {
            document.getElementById("SDBridge").innerText = "JS get native data:" + JSON.stringify(data);
            // Call await function must with  (async () => {})();
            (async () => {
                const callback = await generatorLogNumber(1);
                let result = {token: callback};
        function generatorLogNumber(n){
            return new Promise(res => {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    res("Javascript async/await callback Ok");
                    }, 1000);


Global support for free

WhatsApp: SDBridgeKotlin Support

Telegram: SDBridgeKotlin Support

WeChat Group:


History version update ?


1.Kotlin can get console.log Multi parameter.


1.Optimized coding.


1.Optimized coding.


SDBridgeSwift is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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