Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app.


Dynamic Color ImageVector

Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app.

Dynamic Color Image Vector Demo

How to use

1. Create a xml image vector

The content of the XML will be used as base to create the needed kotlin code.

<vector xmlns:android=""

2. Create your dynamic color image vector

Use the pathData from your image vector using the ImageVector.Builder. Each path will be added to the ImageVector with the color you set.

fun makeIcon(
    viewportWidth: Float = 1058f,
    viewportHeight: Float = 1058f,
    defaultWidth: Dp = 1058.dp,
    defaultHeight: Dp = 1058.dp,
    backgroundColor: Color = Color(0xFF44475A),
    primaryColor: Color = Color(0xFF50FA7B),
    secondaryColor: Color = Color(0xFFF8F8F2),
): ImageVector {

    return ImageVector.Builder(
        defaultWidth = defaultWidth,
        defaultHeight = defaultHeight,
        viewportWidth = viewportWidth,
        viewportHeight = viewportHeight,
    ).run {
            pathData = addPathNodes("M0,0h1058v1058h-1058z"),
            fill = SolidColor(backgroundColor)
            pathData = addPathNodes("M112,884.1l446.4,-773.1l108.5,62.6l-446.4,773.1z"),
            fill = SolidColor(secondaryColor)
            pathData = addPathNodes("M735,523.7L918.3,841.2H551.8L735,523.7Z"),
            fill = SolidColor(primaryColor)

3. Use your dynamic color image vector

    imageVector = makeIcon(
        backgroundColor = dynamicBackgroundColor,
        primaryColor = dynamicPrimaryColor,
        secondaryColor = dynamicSecondaryColor,
    contentDescription = "Dynamic Color ImageVector",
    modifier = Modifier

Using colors from your theme

You can also use MaterialTheme colors to create your dynamic color image vector. Just turn your function into a composable function and use the MaterialTheme.colors to get the colors.

fun makeIcon(
    // ...
    backgroundColor: Color = Color(0xFF44475A),
    primaryColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
    secondaryColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary,
): ImageVector {
    // ...
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