StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.


StaCoAn header

StaCoAn Issues badge License badge status Travis

Not maintained anymore!

Will be archived soon.

StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications*.

This tool will look for interesting lines in the code which can contain:

  • Hardcoded credentials
  • API keys
  • URL's of API's
  • Decryption keys
  • Major coding mistakes

This tool was created with a big focus on usability and graphical guidance in the user interface.

For the impatient ones, grab the download on the releases page.

*: note that currently only apk files are supported, but ipa files will follow very shortly.

An example report can be found here.

Table of Contents


The concept is that you drag and drop your mobile application file (an .apk or .ipa file) on the StaCoAn application and it will generate a visual and portable report for you. You can tweak the settings and wordlists to get a customized experience.

The reports contain a handy tree viewer so you can easily browse trough your decompiled application.

Mockup  application

Looting concept

The Loot Function let you 'loot' (~bookmark) the findings which are of value for you and on the loot-page you will get an overview of your 'loot' raid.

The final report can be exported to a zip file and shared with other people.


The application uses wordlists for finding interesting lines in the code. Wordlists are in the following format:

API_KEY|||80||| This contains an API key reference
(https|http):\/\/.*api.*|||60||| This regex matches any URL containing 'api'

Note that these wordlists support regex entries.

In the exclusion_list.txt you can define exclusions (if you have for some reason to much findings):

(https|http):\/\/.*api.*|||"res","layout"||| Like previously, note that "res","layout" resembles the path
(https|http):\/\/.*api.*|||||| To exclude everywhere


Any source file will be processed. This contains '.java', '.js', '.html', '.xml',... files.

Database-files are also searched for keywords. The database also has a table viewer.


Responsive Design

The reports are made to fit on all screens.

How does the tool works?

Pipeline tool


This tool will have trouble with obfuscated code. If you are a developer try to compile without obfuscation turned on before running this tool. If you are on the offensive side, good luck bro.

Getting Started

From the releases

If you want to get started as soon as possible, head over to the releases page and download the executable or archive which corresponds to your operating system.

If you have downloaded the release zip file, extract this.

On Windows you can just double click the executable. It will open in server mode and you can just drag and drop your mobile applications in the webinterface.

Windows 1 click

On Mac and Linux you can just run it from the terminal without arguments for the server-mode.


Drag and drop this file onto the executable.

Or you can specify an apk-file to run it without the server-mode:

./stacoan -p test-apk.apk

The report will be put inside a folder with a name corresponding to the apk.


cd docker
docker build . -t stacoan

Make sure that your application is at the location /yourappsfolder.

docker run -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m" -p 8888:8888 -p 7777:7777 -i -t stacoan

Drag and drop your application via:

From source

git clone
cd StaCoAn/src

Make sure that you have pip3 installed:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install the required python packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run StaCoAn via commandline:

python3 -p yourApp.apk

Or if you rather use the drag and drop interface:


Building the executable

Make sure that you are in the src folder.

cd src

Install PyInstaller:

pip3 install pyinstaller


PyInstaller can't handle subfolders with code, therefore we need to put the code in one folder.

sed -i 's/from helpers./from /g' helpers/*
sed -i 's/from helpers./from /g'
sed -i 's/os.path.join(parentdir, "config.ini")/"config.ini"/g' helpers/
cp helpers/* ./ || :;

Build stacoan:

python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile --icon icon.ico --name stacoan --clean


PyInstaller can't handle subfolders with code, therefore we need to put the code in one folder.

# Note the ''-> this is because sed syntax is different on mac.
sed -i '' 's/from helpers./from /g' helpers/*
sed -i '' 's/from helpers./from /g'
sed -i '' 's/os.path.join(parentdir, "config.ini")/"config.ini"/g' helpers/
cp helpers/* ./ || :;

Build stacoan:

python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile --icon icon.ico --name stacoan --clean


PyInstaller can't handle subfolders with code, therefore we need to put the code in one folder.

sed -i 's/from helpers./from /g' helpers/*
sed -i 's/from helpers./from /g'
sed -i 's/os.path.join(parentdir, "config.ini")/"config.ini"/g' helpers/
cp helpers/* ./ || :;

Build stacoan:

python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile --icon icon.ico --name stacoan --clean


This entire program's value is depending on the wordlists it is using. In the end, the final result is what matters. It is easy to build a wordlist (in comparison to writing actual code), but it has the biggest impact on the end result. You can help the community the most with making wordlists.

If you want an easy way to post your idea's, head over to: From there you can add ideas for entries in the wordlist.

Improving the code is also much appreciated.

If the contribution is high enough, you will be mentioned in the authors section.


  • Make IPA files also work with this program
  • Make DB matches loot-able
  • Better logging (cross platform)
  • Docker optimalisation
  • Use server to upload files (apk's, ipa's) and process them
  • Exception list for ignoring findings in certain folders. For example ignoring http in res/layout and in general
  • Make a cleaner file structure of this project

Authors & Contributors

Project Creator

Vincent Cox

Top contributors


The following projects were used in this project:

  • Materialize CSS: Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design. Used for the general theme of the reports.
  • PRISMJS: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. Used for the code markup
  • JADX: Dex to Java decompiler. Used for decompiling .apk files*.
  • Fancytree: jQuery tree view / tree grid plugin. Used in the tree-view of the reports.
  • fontawesome: Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS framework. Used for some icons.
  • JSZip: JSZip is a javascript library for creating, reading and editing .zip files, with a lovely and simple API.
  • FileSaver: An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation. Used in the JSZip library.

All of these projects have their corresponding licenses. Please respect these while you are modifying and redistributing this project.

*: the binary is included in this project. If the dev's from JADX are not comfortable with this, feel free to contact me about this so we can find a solution.


Many more should be listed here, but I can't list them all.

  • OSX - File not found

    OSX - File not found

    On Macs, your download (V.6) is not working. Below is the error. I believe you have hard coded some paths into the app. My mac is on Python 2.7.10

    [INFO] serving report server at port: 8080
    [INFO] serving dragdrop server at port: 8000
    0:38: execution error: File some object wasn’t found. (-43)
    ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/travis/build/vincentcox/StaCoAn/src/", line 264, in <module>
      File "/Users/travis/build/vincentcox/StaCoAn/src/", line 151, in program
      File "/Users/travis/build/vincentcox/StaCoAn/src/", line 117, in server
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.4_3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/", line 1056, in join
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.4_3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/", line 1072, in _wait_for_tstate_lock
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/travis/build/vincentcox/StaCoAn/src/", line 264, in <module>
    [9549] Failed to execute script stacoan
    bug Mac OS X 
    opened by MindNinja 11
  • Wrong APK like a directory

    Wrong APK like a directory


    When i run the docker command i get this :

    [ERROR] ERROR: Unknown error: [Errno 21] Is a directory: 'myapp.apk'.

    didn't understand why... did anyone get this too?

    opened by b4b857f6ee 8
  • Restored support for apks as default arguments

    Restored support for apks as default arguments


    If a path is given as argument without the -p option, it is not recognised. This PR restores support for calls such as python3 yourApp.apk while still enabling the launch of a server by default.

    This should not affect the server, however I can't test it at the moment (Address already in use error when I try to use the server, with or without this modification, even after a reboot).

    opened by Ayowel 6
  • Docker


    └──╼ $sudo docker run -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m" -p 8888:8888 -p 7777:7777 -i -t stacoan
    usage: [-h] [-p PATH [PATH ...]] [--disable-browser]
                      [--log-all | --log-errors | --log-warnings] error: unrecognized arguments: --enable-server
    bug help wanted docker 
    opened by thistehneisen 4
  • Gibberish content in the generated report.

    Gibberish content in the generated report.

    Summary: See the attached images. The app didn't show any errors. The generated report contains gibberish data. Tried to rebuild the report 3 times, ended with the same result.

    Details: .apk file: The file was downloaded via APKPure. os: Linux mint

    Proof of error: StaCoAn


    Additional info: The app uses Cyrillic characters for resources(ex:в,ж). Could this be the cause of the problem?

    opened by DeepSpaceHarbor 4
  • Create a GitHub wiki

    Create a GitHub wiki

    You can create a GitHub wiki to describe how to use the tool on the different platforms. This will shorten your repo's README file, which improves it imho (readability, length, ease of access, ...)

    help wanted 
    opened by Kevin-De-Koninck 3
  • Reduce docker image size

    Reduce docker image size

    This reduces the image size from 1.44GB to 264MB. This is a decrease of more than 80%. We achieve this by using Alpine Linux with JDK 8 as our base image.

    opened by Kevin-De-Koninck 3
  • AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'

    AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'

    Thanks old issue fixed.any though below 2 error?

    367 INFO: checking Analysis 367 INFO: Building Analysis because out00-Analysis.toc is non existent 367 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph... 373 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks... 377 INFO: Analyzing ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 41, in File "", line 13, in walk_packages File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\pkgutil. py", line 127, in iter_modules for name, ispkg in iter_importer_modules(i, prefix): File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\pkgutil. py", line 146, in _iter_file_finder_modules import inspect File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\inspect. py", line 41, in import linecache File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\linecach", line 11, in import tokenize File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\tokenize .py", line 33, in import re File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 142, in class RegexFlag(enum.IntFlag): AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'

    12236 INFO: Loading module hook ""... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 41, in File "", line 13, in walk_packages File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 127, in iter_modules for name, ispkg in iter_importer_modules(i, prefix): File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 146, in _iter_file_finder_modules import inspect File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 41, in import linecache File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 11, in import tokenize File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 33, in import re File "c:\users\kandasam\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\lib\", line 142, in class RegexFlag(enum.IntFlag):

    opened by gopinath6 3
  • Unicode issue on report generation

    Unicode issue on report generation

    Hi, thank you for your efforts!

    I just came across your project and wanted to look into it. However, it seems to have some unicode issues. When I try to analyze the test-apk.apk, that comes with this repository, it fails:

    python3 test-apk.apk 
    Decompiling app...
    "/home/???/dev/StaCoAn/jadx/bin/jadx" -d "/home/???/dev/StaCoAn/test-apk/jadx_source_code" test-apk.apk
    /bin/sh: 1: /home/???/dev/StaCoAn/jadx/bin/jadx: Permission denied
    Decompiling done.
    Searching trough files
    Searching done.
    start generating report
    progress: 97.52%
    progress: 98.14%
    progress: 98.76%
    progress: 99.38%
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 124, in <module>
      File "", line 107, in program
        print(Report_html.Tree_builder.tree_js_file(Project.projects[project_path]), file=f)
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 149599-149600: ordinal not in range(128)

    Some other apk I fed to it also failed, but at a different stage:

    progress: 8.59%
    progress: 8.72%
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 124, in <module>
      File "", line 72, in program
        print(overview_html.gethtml(), file=f)
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u0580' in position 5519: ordinal not in range(128)

    I shortly peeked into the code, but was insecure, whether it is an issue with yattag or this repo here, maybe you know?

    opened by kumzugloom 3
  • Docker build failed

    Docker build failed

    Hi, thank for this app. Docker build seem's to be broken:

    Step 3/12 : RUN echo "deb trusty main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list && echo "deb-src trusty main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list && apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886 && apt-get update ---> Running in 2b8ae552b233 deb trusty main deb-src trusty main Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --homedir /tmp/tmp.OIwaWMnA25 --no-auto-check-trustdb --trust-model always --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-automatic.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-security-automatic.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-stable.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-stretch-automatic.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-stretch-security-automatic.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-stretch-stable.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-wheezy-automatic.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-wheezy-stable.gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886 gpg: requesting key EEA14886 from hkp server ?: Connection refused gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect: Connection refused gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. gpg: Total number processed: 0 The command '/bin/sh -c echo "deb trusty main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list && echo "deb-src trusty main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list && apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EEA14886 && apt-get update' returned a non-zero code: 2

    opened by bagazov 2
  • ERROR: Unknown error: 'test-apk_apk' on Mac executable

    ERROR: Unknown error: 'test-apk_apk' on Mac executable

    When running the Mac release, the following output is shown:

    [INFO] jadx return code: 0
    [INFO] Decompiling done.
    [INFO] Searching trough files
    [INFO] Searching done.
    [INFO] start generating report
    [ERROR] ERROR: Unknown error: 'test-apk_apk'.

    ToDo: Disable try catch wrapper on main function to find the root cause. Maybe make a --debug option to disable this try catch wrapper.

    Mac OS X Release 
    opened by vincentcox 2
  • Viewing the HTML Report on Firefox/Internet Explorer not supported

    Viewing the HTML Report on Firefox/Internet Explorer not supported

    The fancy TreeView does not display on FF and IE browsers. TV invisible not initializing properly. Also the upload process seem to sometimes fail, silently.

    Console IE:

    HTML1527: DOCTYPE expected. Consider adding a valid HTML5 doctype: "". start.html (1,1)

    HTML1504: Unexpected end tag. -- repeatedly

    jQuery.Deferred exception: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference TypeError: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference

    SCRIPT5022: Fancytree assertion failed: Need a valid store.

    SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference

    SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'getItem' of undefined or null reference

    Console FF:

    This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”.

    Request to access cookie or storage on “start.html” was blocked because we are blocking all third-party storage access requests and content blocking is enabled.

    Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure. => jquery.fancytree-all-deps.min.js:1

    Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure. => jquery.fancytree.persist.js:40

    Uncaught Error: Could not apply extension 'persist' (it is not registered, did you forget to include it?) => /report/tree_js_content.js:2, jquery.min.js:2:1979

    Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure. => report.js:8

    Uncaught DOMException: The operation is insecure. => start.html:16

    Source map error: Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. Resource URL: /report/html/jquery.fancytree-all-deps.min.js Source Map URL:

    sad :-(

    opened by Runnin-N-Gunnin 0
  • local variable 'sorted_tosort' referenced before assignment

    local variable 'sorted_tosort' referenced before assignment There should be one tab less, so if any of you run into this issue just delete one tab on this line and it will be working a-ok.

    opened by pokorny-martin 0
  • Errors are not reflected in server UI

    Errors are not reflected in server UI

    I've just started the server and added a file for upload. Then waited 5 minutes without any result. Only after anaylzing the file directly I saw there was an issue with the input:

    $> ./stacoan -p sample.ipa 
    [INFO] Decompiling app...
    [ERROR] .ipa files not implemented yet.
    $> ./stacoan -p 
    [INFO] Decompiling app...
    [ERROR] No mobile app detected, exiting! Hgnnnhh

    The web server UI should reflect any errors and notify the user there was an issue with the provided file. Instead it indefinitely shows the 'Uploading…' message.

    opened by relikd 0
  • OutOfMemory on OS X

    OutOfMemory on OS X

    WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
    WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.rits.cloning.Cloner (file:/Users/nils/Desktop/deploy/jadx/lib/cloning-1.9.10.jar) to field java.util.TreeSet.m
    WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.rits.cloning.Cloner
    WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
    WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
    [WARNING] - - [05/Nov/2019 19:19:09] code 404, message File not found
    Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-5" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    	at java.base/java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
    	at java.base/java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.ensureCapacityInternal(
    	at java.base/java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(
    	at java.base/java.lang.StringBuilder.append(
    	at ch.qos.logback.core.pattern.FormattingConverter.write(
    	at ch.qos.logback.core.pattern.PatternLayoutBase.writeLoopOnConverters(
    	at ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout.doLayout(
    	at ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout.doLayout(
    	at ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder.encode(
    	at ch.qos.logback.core.OutputStreamAppender.subAppend(
    	at ch.qos.logback.core.OutputStreamAppender.append(
    	at ch.qos.logback.core.UnsynchronizedAppenderBase.doAppend( Process-1:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "multiprocessing/", line 297, in _bootstrap
      File "multiprocessing/", line 99, in run
      File "", line 184, in program
      File "", line 143, in app_prepper
      File "", line 108, in __init__
      File "", line 99, in log
      File "", line 82, in cPrint
    OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
    opened by thistehneisen 1
  • local variable issue

    local variable issue

    Hello @vincentcox , I am facing this error after supplying the apk UnboundLocalError: local variable 'sorted_tosort' referenced before assignment [WARNING] - - [10/Oct/2018 19:35:59] code 404, message File not found

    opened by jaikishantulswani 22
Vincent Cox
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