Exploring Kotlin Symbol Processing - KSP. This is just an experiment.


KSP example

Exploring Kotlin Symbol Processing - KSP. This is just an experiment.

Project contains 2 modules

  • Processing
  • Example

Processing module is the one which is responsible for code generation. There are two samples: PrintProcessor and SimpleClassGeneratorProcessor.

  • SimpleClassGeneratorProcessor generates the class with the arguments passed to processor from Gradle
  • PrintProcessor generates class which prints all properties with the names and types from the class annotated with "@Print". Also it shows how annotation parsing is done in KSP and utilizes visitor pattern.

Project uses Zac Sweers's AutoService which is using KSP already instead of KAPT and KotlinPoet.

Keep in mind : "The reduction of build times is only applicable if there are no other processors that use KAPT." - Source: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/room#2.3.0-beta02

Processor Options

Processor options in SymbolProcessorEnvironment.options are specified in gradle build scripts:

  ksp {
    arg("enabled", "true")

IDEs and Generated Code

Mark directory as a "generated source root" to make it resolvable


and also "resource directory":

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