not so broken UNOFFICIAL Spotify client for Android
Note that this client will NEVER offer any kind of a downloader/offline caching. Don't ask, seriously. Also, a Spotify Premium account is REQUIRED.
Also, this project's Proguard rules are heavily optimized for the APK size. For now, it is approx. 2-3 megabytes.
What's working:
- sign in (login/pass only)
- "browse", "home", album, artist and genre screens (some of the blocks might be unsupported)
- basic playback w/ Spotify Connect support (NO in-app UI yet)
What's in progress:
- "Now Playing" UI
- album support (prev/next/queue management)
- better service (audiofocus handling, notification improvements)
Application stack:
- playback: librespot-java as the core + sinks/decoders from librespot-android + Media2 for the mediasession support
- preferences: Jetpack Datastore (proto)
- UI: Jetpack Compose
- arch: MVVM
- DI: Hilt/Dagger
- librespot-java for the core API part and playback
- librespot-android for sink and decoder source (in Jetispot they are rewritten to Kotlin)
- Google for Jetpack/Hilt
- moshi and moshix for the undocumented API JSON parsing