Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.


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Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.



How do I use it?


repositories {

dependencies {
  releaseImplementation 'jp.wasabeef:takt-no-op:2.1.1'
  debugImplementation 'jp.wasabeef:takt:2.1.1'


There is a simple initialization step which occurs in your Application class:

class MyApplication : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {


  • seat(Seat seat) is a position
  • interval(int ms) is a interval
  • color(int color) is a text color.
  • size(int size) is a text size
  • alpha(float alpha) is a text alpha
  • listener(Audience audience) is a Listener
  • useCustomControl to manually start/stop Takt (disabled by default)
  • showOverlaySetting to enable/disable showing system overlay setting (enabled by default)
  .listener { fps ->
    Log.d("Excellent!", fps.toString() + " fps")

    // Logcat
    // jp.wasabeef.example.takt D/Excellent!﹕ 59.28853754940712 fps
    // jp.wasabeef.example.takt D/Excellent!﹕ 59.523809523809526 fps
    // jp.wasabeef.example.takt D/Excellent!﹕ 59.05511811023622 fps
    // jp.wasabeef.example.takt D/Excellent!﹕ 55.33596837944664 fps
    // jp.wasabeef.example.takt D/Excellent!﹕ 59.523809523809526 fps



   * TOP_LEFT,
   * CENTER,

Hide fps label

  .listener { fps -> Log.d("Excellent!", fps.toString() + " fps") }


Android 4.1+ (using the Choreographer)

Developed By

Daichi Furiya (Wasabeef) - dadadada.chop@gmail.com

Follow me on Twitter


Copyright (C) 2020 Wasabeef

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • added no-op artifact

    added no-op artifact

    What does this change?

    no-op artifact was added.

    What is the value of this and can you measure success?

    As we know this library is for staging/debug mode. also requires some permission to draw on apps that are not reasonable to be on production. This pull-request will make safer to use this library and can handle it from gradle implementation commands. such as :

    productionImplemetation 'jp.wasabeef:takt-no-op:2.0.1'
    stagingImplemetation 'jp.wasabeef:takt:2.0.1'


    No need.


    I'm not familiar with bintray configs to release this artifact. and just copy and paste build.gradle from the original module. You should edit it.

    opened by beigirad 1
  • Update Takt api to be more simple and work correctly on 8.1

    Update Takt api to be more simple and work correctly on 8.1


    Proposed changes fix behaviors described in #11 and readme inaccuracies described in #12

    When I first tried to use Takt, I stumbled upon few behaviors that weren't described in readme, and decided to fix them by making api more understandable and easier to use.

    opened by aleien 1
  • Broken on 8.1

    Broken on 8.1

    Hello! Is library currently not supported? It looks like it doesn't work all good on 8.1 (didn't check other os versions). Also "how to use" is misleading.

    1. You have to use '.showOverlaySetting(true)', otherwise it won't prompt you to enable setting (and without it it doesn't show
    2. You have to add android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW to your manifest, otherwise you won't be able to enable setting
    3. Misleading guide: onTerminate won't be called ever, so Takt won't be finished until system kills your process, so you need to move Takt.finish() to some other place.

    Also it may be only my problem, but it somehow duplicates one over other, even when launched only once, so it's essentially impossible to see current fps :(

    opened by aleien 1


    TYPE_TOAST is deprecated on Android8.0. If the TargetSdkVersion of the application is 26 or higher and it runs on Android 8.0 or later, an exception will be thrown.


    Its need replaced to use TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, and this type is required SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission.

    It is the default behavior that this permission was not granted to application via adb. It requires cumbersome user operation to grant permission :(

    So, I added optional api showOverlaySetting. This API is show the overlay settings if needed.

    opened by YukiMatsumura 1
  • Release 2.1.0

    Release 2.1.0

    What does this change?


    • Kotlin 1.3.41 -> 1.3.72
    • Compile & Target SDK Version 28 -> 30


    opened by wasabeef 0
  • Leak memory

    Leak memory

    The library has memory leak. I found it with leak canary.

    ┬─── │ GC Root: Local variable in native code │ ├─ android.os.HandlerThread instance │ Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking) │ Thread name: 'LeakCanary-Heap-Dump' │ ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader ├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance │ Leaking: NO (Takt↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never leaking) │ ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects ├─ java.lang.Object[] array │ Leaking: NO (Takt↓ is not leaking) │ ↓ Object[].[3001] ├─ jp.wasabeef.takt.Takt class │ Leaking: NO (a class is never leaking) │ ↓ static Takt.program │ ~~~~~~~ ├─ jp.wasabeef.takt.Takt$Program instance │ Leaking: UNKNOWN │ Retaining 5.4 kB in 109 objects │ app instance of com.zbs.android.App │ ↓ Takt$Program.stageView │ ~~~~~~~~~ ╰→ android.widget.RelativeLayout instance ​ Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because android.widget. ​ RelativeLayout received View#onDetachedFromWindow() callback) ​ Retaining 1.7 kB in 37 objects ​ key = f8ab425e-a992-47fd-8b92-4b209925b054 ​ watchDurationMillis = 5262 ​ retainedDurationMillis = 224 ​ key = bfb77bf7-2c19-430a-8b3a-049ced24122f ​ key = 2383ccf8-6ff7-4f82-82ab-16aba79fc564 ​ watchDurationMillis = 5263 ​ key = 125a0c09-786f-4d1a-8414-81d3d81a695b ​ retainedDurationMillis = 225 ​ View not part of a window view hierarchy ​ View.mAttachInfo is null (view detached) ​ View.mWindowAttachCount = 4 ​ mContext instance of com.zbs.android.App


    Build.VERSION.SDK_INT: 29 Build.MANUFACTURER: Xiaomi LeakCanary version: 2.6 App process name: com.zbs.android Stats: LruCache[maxSize=3000,hits=5711,misses=65587,hitRate=8%] RandomAccess[bytes=3694801,reads=65587,travel=27211795232,range=22255045,size=26 931632] Heap dump reason: 4 retained objects, app is not visible Analysis duration: 6717 ms

    • Device: Xiaomi mi 9 lite
    • OS: Android 10
    opened by dmkenza 0
  • App crashes on startup on Samsung device on Android 7

    App crashes on startup on Samsung device on Android 7

    Bug Reporting

    Steps to Reproduce

    Open app on Samsung device on Android version 7.1.1, app crashes

    Actual Results

    2020-01-08 16:16:34.919 E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
        Process: package_name, PID: 29421
        java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{activity_name}: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?
            at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3003)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3064)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap14(ActivityThread.java)
            at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1659)
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
            at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6823)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1563)
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1451)
         Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView(ViewRootImpl.java:922)
            at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:377)
            at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:105)
            at jp.wasabeef.takt.Takt$Program.play(Takt.java:131)
            at jp.wasabeef.takt.Takt$Program.onAppForeground(Takt.java:110)
            at jp.wasabeef.takt.LifecycleListener.onActivityStarted(LifecycleListener.java:28)
            at android.app.Application.dispatchActivityStarted(Application.java:231)
            at android.app.Activity.onStart(Activity.java:1275)
            at android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity.onStart(FragmentActivity.java:614)
            at android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity.onStart(AppCompatActivity.java:178)
            at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStart(Instrumentation.java:1256)
            at android.app.Activity.performStart(Activity.java:6994)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2956)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3064at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap14(ActivityThread.java) 
            at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1659at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6823at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1563at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1451

    OS details

    • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 8
    • OS: Android 7.1.1
    opened by Lorenzo45 0
  • Takt.finish() will never be called

    Takt.finish() will never be called

    Hi, ReadMe says that finish() methos should be call in onTerminate. But this method is only used in emulated process environments and it will never be called on production device.

    I suppose you can just remove this part from ReadMe or add a comment that finish() will be called only in emulated process environments.

    opened by bracadabra 0
  • FPS text only shows for a few seconds (then disappears) in Android 7.1

    FPS text only shows for a few seconds (then disappears) in Android 7.1

    opened by arshcaria 3
  • Not working on Mi Redmi Note device OS 4.4

    Not working on Mi Redmi Note device OS 4.4

    Getting following exception after adding Takt. android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@420f9140 -- permission denied for this window type

    opened by anil-k-s 2
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