153 Repositories
Android efficient-tab-layout Libraries
Put some bubble in your tabs and give your apps a supa fresh style !
BubbleTab Put some bubble in your tabs and give your apps a supa fresh style ! Usage Add a BubbleTab with your icons on the layout.xml Customisable pa
A layout manager for the RecyclerView with interchangeable linear, grid, and staggered displays of views, all with configurable section headers including the sticky variety as specified in the material design docs.
SuperSLiM This is the version 5 development branch. Project Plan Support me on Patreon Blog What is Version 5 Version 5 is the current development bra
An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView.
RecyclerTabLayout An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView. Features Efficient when having many tabs Easy setup with ViewPager (sa
ANDROID. ChipsLayoutManager (SpanLayoutManager, FlowLayoutManager). A custom layout manager for RecyclerView which mimicric TextView span behaviour, flow layouts behaviour with support of amazing recyclerView features
ChipsLayoutManager This is ChipsLayoutManager - custom Recycler View's LayoutManager which moves item to the next line when no space left on the curre
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
FragNav Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments (e.g., Bottom Navigation , Navigation Drawer). This library does NOT include the UI
Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React
Anvil - reactive views for Android Anvil is a small Java library for creating reactive user interfaces. Originally inspired by React, it suits well as
Library for Sliding Tab With Color Icons!
Sliding Tab With Color Icons Sliding Tab With Color Icons! Kindly use the following links to use this library: In build.gradle (Project) allprojects {
The CustomCalendarView provides an easy and customizable calendar to create a Calendar. It dispaly the days of a month in a grid layout and allows to navigate between months
Custom-Calendar-View To use the CustomCalendarView in your application, you first need to add the library to your application. You can do this by eith
Android Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout etc) to Image
Layout-to-Image Android Layout Xml File Containing any Parent Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout etc) to Image Screenshot of Sample Application Qu
[] Dissect layout traversals on Android
Probe Dissect layout traversals on Android. Features Intercept View methods. onMeasure(int, int) onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) draw(Canvas) an
In-layout notifications. Based on Toast notifications and article by Cyril Mottier (http://android.cyrilmottier.com/?p=773).
Android AppMsg (Crouton) Library Implementation of in-layout notifications. Based on Toast notifications and article The making of Prixing #4: in-layo
Custom Layout Manager for Recycler View
Circular Layout Manager Overview A library for Android which essentially contains a Custom Layout Manager for Recycler View which lays out its child v
A simple and flexible Fillable Progress Layout written in Kotlin
FillProgressLayout 🔥 A simple and flexible Fill Progress Layout written in Kotlin 🔥 Netflix button animation using FillProgressLayout Support Librar
Android loading or progress dialog widget library, provide efficient way to implement iOS like loading dialog and progress wheel
ACProgressLite English Version / 中文版本 An Android loading widget library. Lite and easy to use, strong customizability. Can be used to implement 'iOS'
Android Studio plug-in for generating ButterKnife injections from selected layout XML.
ButterKnifeZelezny Simple plug-in for Android Studio/IDEA that allows one-click creation of Butterknife view injections. How to install in Android Stu
Shadow layout, shadow view for android.
ShadowViewHelper Shadow layout, shadow view for android. How to use: It's very simple to use. Gradle(Check newest version): compile 'com.github.wangji
TileView is a subclass of android.view.ViewGroup that asynchronously displays, pans and zooms tile-based images. Plugins are available for features like markers, hotspots, and path drawing.
This project isn't maintained anymore. It is now recommended to use https://github.com/peterLaurence/MapView. MapView is maintained by Peter, one of o
This project has been superseded by SuperSLiM, a layout manager for RecyclerView. I strongly recommend using SuperSLiM and not StickyGridHeaders.
StickyGridHeaders Replacement project at SuperSLiM This repository is abandoned and will no longer see any development or support. The replacement Sup
[] A simple way to "badge" any given Android view at runtime without having to cater for it in layout
Android ViewBadger A simple way to "badge" any given Android view at runtime without having to cater for it in layout. Note: If your aim is to replica
A declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android.
Litho Litho is a declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android. Declarative: Litho uses a declarative API to define UI components. You s
No Internet Layout Library 2.5 0.0 Java #layout #check_internet
No Internet Layout Library Library to check internet connection and change layout to no internet layout if there is no internet. Gradle: allprojects {
Memory efficient android library for managing individual fragment backstack.
fragstack : Android library for managing individual fragment backstack. An Easy to use library for managing individual fragment back stack as Instagra
A flexible, easy to use, unique drawer library for your Android project.
Duo Navigation Drawer This Android library provides an easy way to create an alternative navigation drawer for android. Instead of a drawer that slide
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
FragNav Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments (e.g., Bottom Navigation , Navigation Drawer). This library does NOT include the UI
Arc Layout is a view group with which you can add a arc-shaped container in your layout.
ArcLayout Arc Layout is a view group with which you can add a arc-shaped container in your layout. Two main variables are the direction and the curvat
Carousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager.
Carousel Recyclerview Create carousel effect in recyclerview with the CarouselRecyclerview in a simple way. Including in your project Gradle Add below
With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
MaterialTimelineView With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline. Setup The library is pushed to jCenter() as an AAR,
Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React
Anvil - reactive views for Android Anvil is a small Java library for creating reactive user interfaces. Originally inspired by React, it suits well as
A library that gives full control over text related technologies such as bidirectional algorithm, open type shaping, text typesetting and text rendering
Tehreer-Android Tehreer is a library which gives full control over following text related technologies. Bidirectional Algorithm OpenType Shaping Engin
[] Explorations around Android custom layouts
android-layout-samples Explorations around Android custom layouts, including off main thread View measure/layout passes. Sample code for: Composite Vi
User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors
SlidingTutorial Cleveroad introduces Sliding Tutorial Library for Flutter Hey guys, hope you haven’t started developing a tutorial for your Flutter ap
App Shortcuts for Android on Pre Nougat 7.1!
Shortcuts for Android on Pre Nougat 7.1! WHAT IS ANDROID SHORTCUTS? The Android App Shortcuts Library have features of Android 7.1 Nougat, you can imp
🎢 Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
Zoom Recyler Layout An beautiful Zoom Animation Library for RecyclerView Items in Android using Kotlin. Preview 1. Horizontal Scroll 2. Vertical Scrol
Tabbar Component For React-Native
React Native Tabbar Interaction Beautiful Tabbar Interaction with Sliding Inset FABs, made with React Native. Check it out on Béhance (https://www.beh
Extended Android Tab Layout with animated indicators that have continuous feedback.
Dachshund Tab Layout Introduction Boosted Android Tab Layout with custom animated indicators including "Dachshund" animation inspired by this. Sample
With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout
Youtube UI/UX Animation This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube UX/UI animation using ConstraintLayout.It implements the Keyframe Animation feature
Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications by Supercharge.
DEPRECATED - ShimmerLayout Attention: This tool is now deprecated. Please switch to Shimmer for Android or any other shimmer effect solution. ShimmerL
Android layout decorators : Injecting custom attributes in layout files, Using decorators to get rid of unnecessary class explosion with custom views
Decor Decor is a library that applies decorators to Android layout with additional attributes without the need to extend and create a custom View for
🦚 An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator.
ExpandableLayout 🦚 An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your roo
Side menu with some categories to choose.
Side Menu Side menu with some categories to choose. Check this project on dribbble. Check this project on Behance. God bless Ukraine! Sample Sample &
A Flip Digit Libray
Tab Digit A Flip Clock Libray.Have a look at the demo app available on google play this is what you can do with Tab digit Add it on your project: Grad
An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
Android PagerSlidingTabStrip (default Material Design) This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases. For most of the c
Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions.
NavigationTabBar Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you wa
Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction.
NavigationTabStrip Navigation tab strip with smooth interaction. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library is not more supported. If you w
An Android demo of a foldable layout implementation. Engineered by Vincent Brison.
Foldable Layout This code is a showcase of a foldable animation I created for Worldline. The code is fully written with java APIs from the Android SDK
A layout to transition between two views using a Floating Action Button as shown in many Material Design concepts
⚠ This library is no longer maintained ⚠️ FABRevealLayout A layout to transition between two views using a Floating Action Button as shown in many Mat
a custom pull-to-refresh layout which contains a interesting animation
This is a project with custom pull-to-refresh layout which contains a interesting animation. And the animation is inspired by https://dribbble.com/sho
Android layout that simulates physics using JBox2D
PhysicsLayout Android layout that simulates physics using JBox2D. Simply add views, enable physics, and watch them fall! See it in action with the sam
A very simple arc layout library for Android
ArcLayout A very simple arc layout library for Android. Try out the sample application on the Play Store. Usage (For a working implementation of this
TileView is a subclass of android.view.ViewGroup that asynchronously displays, pans and zooms tile-based images. Plugins are available for features like markers, hotspots, and path drawing.
This project isn't maintained anymore. It is now recommended to use https://github.com/peterLaurence/MapView. MapView is maintained by Peter, one of o
The Most Powerful Swipe Layout!
Android Swipe Layout  This is the brother of AndroidViewHover. One year ago, I started to make an app
An Android Layout which has a same function like https://github.com/romaonthego/RESideMenu
ResideLayout An Android Layout which has a same function like https://github.com/romaonthego/RESideMenu. Can be used on Android 1.6(I haven't try it.)
An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView.
RecyclerTabLayout An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView. Features Efficient when having many tabs Easy setup with ViewPager (sa