5 Repositories
Android ring-mutex Libraries
Algorithm for mutual exclusion in a bidirectional ring network topology with unreliable communication channels.
Algorithm for mutual exclusion in a bidirectional ring network topology with unreliable communication channels
🌶 A simple Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring.
kog A simple, experimental Kotlin web framework inspired by Clojure's Ring. A kog application is a function that takes a Request and returns a Respons
Android library for drawing Pie charts and Donut charts with the ability to customize almost anything in it.
A Pie/Donut*/Ring chart for Android, customizable to the most extent possible. For tutorial and examples refer to the website. build.gradle[.kts] impl
A simple lib to create a ring-like progress view with corner edges
ProgressRingView Installation Gradle: dependencies { compile 'com.github.flepsik:progress-ring-view:1.2.1' } Maven: dependency groupIdcom.g
Android Floating ActionButton with a progress indicator ring
FabProgress Android Circular floating action button with intergrated progress indicator ring As per material design docs Demo: Demo apk HOW TO ADD TO