Activities, Intents, Fragments e o componente de navegação - Kotlin - Android Studio


Words App

This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab.


Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navigate to an Activity that presents a number of words starting with that letter. Each word can be looked up via a web search.

Words app contains a scrollable list of 26 letters A to Z in a RecyclerView. The orientation of the RecyclerView can be changed between a vertical list or a grid of items.

The app demonstrates the use of Intents in two ways:

  • to navigate inside an app by specifying an explicit destination, and,
  • allowing Android to service the Intent using the apps and resources present on the device.


  • Experience with Kotlin syntax.
  • Able to create an Activity.
  • Able to create a RecyclerView and supply it with data.

Getting Started

  1. Install Android Studio, if you don't already have it.
  2. Download the sample.
  3. Import the sample into Android Studio.
  4. Build and run the sample.
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