Simple Mvp Implementation

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App Froggy


Simple Mvp Implementation



compile 'ru.bullyboo.mvp:froggy:1.0.2'




Apk of Demo version


To create presenter, you need to inherit from class FrogPresenter and parametrized its with Model and View.

public class ExamplePresenter extends FrogPresenter<ExampleModel, ExampleActivity> {

Each presenter has a life cycle. It contains next methods:

* Calling when view and model was set
protected void onUpdateView(ExampleModel model, ExampleView view) {

* Calling when new presenter was create
protected void onCreatePresenter(){


* Calling when view attached
protected void onAttachedViewFirstTime(ExampleView view){


* Calling when view attached
protected void onAttachedModelFirstTime(ExampleModel model){


* Calling when view attached
protected void onAttachedView(ExampleView view){


* Calling when model attached
protected void onAttachedModel(ExampleModel model){


* Calling when view detach
protected void onDetachView(ExampleView view){


* Calling when model detach
protected void onDetachModel(ExampleModel model){


To attach presenter to your Activity, you need to inherit from class FrogActivity or FrogAppCompatActivity.

public class MainActivity extends FrogActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

To get the object of the presenter and access to its methods, you need to use next method in your View:

(ExamplePresenter) getPresenter();

But, if you don't want to use converting, you can parametrize inheritable class with your presenter:

public class MainActivity extends FrogActivity<ExamplePresenter> {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

In this case getting object of presenter will look like:


It's absolutely the same with fragments:

public class TextFragment extends FrogFragment {

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Getting object of the presenter:

(ExamplePresenter) getPresenter();

Parametrized class:

public class TextFragment extends FrogFragment<ExamplePresenter> {

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Getting object of the presenter:


Calling of method setPresenter can be done in other places, but you need to do it after calling super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); and before calling onResume();.

Usage with RecyclerAdapter

First at all you need to create adapter, which will inherit from FrogRecyclerAdapter parametrized with Model, View and Presenter.

public class RecyclerAdapter extends FrogRecyclerAdapter<ExampleModel, ExampleViewHolder, ExamplePresenter> {

In the adapter you need to override three methods. The method of presenter creation. The method of ViewHolder creation. The method to getting model's id.

Also you need to create your own ViewHolder, which will inherit from FrogRecyclerHolder paramtrized with Presenter.

public class ExampleHolder extends FrogRecyclerHolder<ExamplePresenter>{

Your adapter is ready. To create and fill it with your data, use:

ExampleAdapter adapter = new ExampleAdapter();

Thanks to



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  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.
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