Android playground project with modularization by feature (android libraries), unit tests, MVVM & MVI.


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Movies is a simple project to study and play with some android components, architecture and tools for Android development.

Tech Stack

This project uses feature modularization architecture. The movies feature module uses MVI as software design patter for presentation layer, and the actors feature module uses MVVM. You can checkout how was the migration from MVVM to MVI in this pull request.

Medium blogs

I write about the process of coding this project in the following blogs:

Development setup

You require the latest Android Studio 4.2 (stable channel) to be able to build the app. For the compose branch use the latest Android Studio on the canary channel.


API keys

You need to supply API / client keys for the service the app uses.

Once you obtain the key, you can set them in your ~/

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📃 License

Copyright 2021 Christopher Elias

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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  • MVI


    Fix the double emission of the initial intent. But... not so happy with the current solution. I will try to improve in the following days. Gotta read more about kotlin flows.

    opened by ChristopherME 0
  • Movies feature memoryleak

    Movies feature memoryleak

    The MovieListFragment is presenting the following issues:

    1. The initial intent is fired every time the fragment view get's recreated.
    2. The intents() flow is leaking the fragment view because it's collected inside viewmodel scope.
    bug help wanted 
    opened by ChristopherME 0
  • Navigation Extensions

    Navigation Extensions

    I want to know what happens when the MovieListFragment (MVI pattern) gets resumed after being replaced & added to the back stack. But, with the jetpack navigation library that's impossible if I don't' do some tricks/hacks for provide this functionality (and I'm not in the mood of integrating those "hacks", I prefer toy play a little bit with other solutions).

    I'm going to stop using jetpack navigation library (only for this moment, I still have a little bit of faith to the library), because of the following reasons:

    1. IMHO, I feel it doesn't scale well with feature modularized projects. You have to add a new navigation.xml file on each feature module, define the navigation there & more.
    2. It does NOT support addToBackStack by default! You have to implement some "hacks" in order to accomplish this behavior. They recently release a new alpha version that was supposed to fix this, but it's buggy and will be fixed on the next release.
    3. I want to navigate and addToBackStack fragments as easily as possible, without interrupt my coding flow or get out from my kotlin class to XML again only for define the navigation!!!

    That's why I create a library that is built on top of the FragmentTransactions API. It does NOT add any extra functionality, it just make work with the API easier.

    Probably going to roll back to jetpack navigation when they fix the addToBackStack thing, but for now, I prefer to create this small library. Also, I'm going to use this PR for teach some of the benefits of modularization in other blogs.

    opened by ChristopherME 0
Christopher Elias
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