A simple & clean tip calculator using Jetpack Compose.
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
Lista - Lenguajes de programación - Jetpack Compose Screenshots 📱 Referencias ?
BlogCompose A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase Instructions Download your Firebase configuration fil
Android Clean Architecture Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development u
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component 💡 What is Clean Architecture? Clean architecture is a category of software design patter
Android Clean Architecture That Screams (MVVM + JetPack Compose UI + Flow + State)
Nextflix-Composable A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi-module-archite
CLEAN Architecture with MVVM and Jetpack-Compose. About the app I have created t
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
Authentication A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose Scree
Jetpack-Compose-Video-Games-Example ?? This is a simple video games discovery app showcasing UI using Jetpack Compose and also tests for composable UI
?? ?? ?? Compose flocking Ants(boids) ?? ?? ?? Jetpack compose Boids | Flocking Insect. bird or Fish simulation using Jetpack Compose Desktop ?? , usi
Jetpack Compose UIs This is a collection of some UIs using Jetpack Compose. It i
posts-ktor-client Jetpack Compose app gets data from REST API using KTOR Client. Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection... Posts KTOR Client Demo ap
CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Why Not Compose! A collection of animations, compositions, UIs using Jetpack Compose. You can say Jetpack Compose cookbook or play-ground if you want!
JetBMICalculator This is a sample app(For beginners - App #2) built using Jetpack Compose. It demonstrates the concept of State Hoisting in Jetpack Co
Jetpack-Compose-Demo Instagram Profile UI using Jetpack Compose