This libre software app keeps track of things you do NOT want to do.


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To Don't

This libre software app keeps track of things you do NOT want to do.

A good look at bad habits. Jot down your vices, right from the home page. Use notes to add details โ€” like a healthy alternative to that chocolate bar you cannot resist. And organise your input with labels.

Faster than you can grab a pen. Find and cross out the bad habits you give into on the home page. These will move to "Done" for the day. The next morning fresh, with a full list of things to avoid.

Stay on top of your progress. The log grants insight into your overall success rates, pinpointing bad habits you have grown most attached to โ€” over a week, a month, or a year. Your better you can easily work toward an even better you.

Get it on F-Droid Get it on Google Play


The development or a feature branch is used while developing the code, and pushed into the master branch trunk afterwards for releases. PRs to the trunk need at least one approving review before getting merged.

Help translate the app at Hosted Weblate.

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Check out the contribution guidelines for details please.


Apache License 2.0

  •  Unable to update edit in tasks&notes with an apostrophe(')

    Unable to update edit in tasksยฌes with an apostrophe(')

    :writing_hand: Describe the bug

    When a task or note with apostrophe have been edited, click on the update button, the edit will be lost rather than saved.

    :bomb: Steps to reproduce

    1. Create a new task and type any content with an apostrophe.
    2. Click on save.
    3. Edit the note or task and click the update button.
    4. The edit is lost rather than saved.

    :wrench: Expected behavior

    The edit is saved.

    :camera: Screenshots

    :iphone: Tech info

    • Device: Huawei p30 pro
    • OS: EMUI10.0
    • App Version: 1.1 Beta

    :page_facing_up: Additional context

    opened by ghost 15
  • Switch to Vector Graphics

    Switch to Vector Graphics

    Vector graphics offer a higher resolution and are smaller than raster graphics.
    I think using vector graphics instead of the raster graphics have positive effects only and no downsides. Let me know if you see any issues with this though of which I am currently unaware of.

    opened by CrazyMarvin 5
  • Create Template

    Create Template

    For future contributions, having a contribution guideline file would make it easier for open source newbies(like me ๐Ÿ˜…) to get started. @CrazyMarvin, If you would let me, I can be assigned to this.

    documentation help wanted hacktoberfest 
    opened by LuluNwenyi 4
  • Crash after click on symbol

    Crash after click on symbol

    :writing_hand: Describe the bug

    The app crashes when clicking the symbol left to an habit

    :bomb: Steps to reproduce

    1. Create a new bad habit with the +
    2. Try to click on one of the symbols at the left side of the habit
    3. App crashed

    :iphone: Tech info

    • Device: oneplus 7 pro
    • OS: Android 11 (Lineageos 18.1)
    • Version: 1.0, 1.1 from fdroid

    :page_facing_up: Additional context

    Stack Trace: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: rocks.poopjournal.todont, PID: 9668 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.view.View.setBackground(' on a null object reference at rocks.poopjournal.todont.Adapters.HabitsAdapter$2.onClick( at android.view.View.performClick( at android.view.View.performClickInternal( at android.view.View.access$3600( at android.view.View$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at

    Edit log: 30.05.21 tested it with 1.1

    opened by stop5 4
  • To Don't v1.9

    To Don't v1.9

    • Many Bugs Fixed Thanks To subeep ๐Ÿ›
    • Switch To Vector Graphics For A Sharper View Thanks To karthikayya ๐ŸŽจ
    • Dependency Updates โš™๏ธ
    • Translation Updates ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ
    opened by CrazyMarvin 3
  • uses an invalid security certificate. uses an invalid security certificate. uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on July 19, 2021 at 4:37 AM. The current time is August 23, 2021 at 6:59 PM. Error code: SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE

    opened by morriscox 3
  • App crashes when adding label in very specific circumstance

    App crashes when adding label in very specific circumstance

    :writing_hand: Describe the bug

    If I try to add a label to a habit that doesn't already have one, To Don't crashes.

    :bomb: Steps to reproduce

    1. Don't create any labels after installing the app.
    2. Make a habit.
    3. Create a label.
    4. Try adding the new label to the habit.
    5. Sad face as app crashes.

    :wrench: Expected behavior

    The label should be added. If this can't be done, prevent creating habits until a label exists.

    :iphone: Tech info

    • Device: Samsung A20
    • OS: 10
    • App Version: 1.0 beta
    opened by analpi 3
  • Solving the single quote bug for both labels and note + selected label in the spinner

    Solving the single quote bug for both labels and note + selected label in the spinner

    The bug that is solved in this is mentioned in #66. This bug was instigated whenever there was a single quote ( ' ) present in the label or a note. This was because SQLite considers a single quote as an endpoint for a string and that was the reason for it. And I used continuous single quotes ('') replacing single quotes while adding and displaying which prevents it from crashing now because SQL exempts continuous single quotes. It was done in all the page adapters.

    I also upgraded the feature of the selected spinner of a habit which wasn't done before and it would select the first label rather than the label that is actually selected in the database.

    opened by subeep 2
  • Adding OnBackPressed Functionality

    Adding OnBackPressed Functionality

    Adding the onbackpressed function to return to the previous activity whenever the back button is pressed rather than closing the app. This works with the top right button but it's necessary to add this to the android bottom navigation back button as that is used most of the time. There are multiple times when backpressed doesn't work the way it's intended to like for example, when you press the back button after adding a label it often goes back to the label add dialog, or when you click back from about or settings page where it directly closes the app and you also face this when the user installs it the first time and presses back from mainactivity or labels page where he is redirected to the onboarding page which shouldn't happen.

    opened by subeep 2
  • Translations update from Hosted Weblate

    Translations update from Hosted Weblate

    opened by weblate 2
  • Translations update from Hosted Weblate

    Translations update from Hosted Weblate

    opened by weblate 2
  • Daily notification per habit

    Daily notification per habit

    It would be great to be able to configure a notification for each habit which ask if you avoided it. Ideally we can configure the time the notification is prompted.

    opened by vbouchet31 2
  • Streak & Timer

    Streak & Timer

    Analyzing competitor apps, this app should allow for users to have a streak on the days they did not give in to a certain habit. This will increase user retention and allow users to challenge themselves to work harder towards their goal.

    Another enhancement should be a timer to allow users to see how long they retrained themselves from something they are not supposed to do. This will allow the user to view their progress. This is another popular feature in competitor apps.

    opened by hiba7868 1
  • New Feature: attach images.

    New Feature: attach images.

    As I was using your app, I wanted to attach an image to my todonts, kind of like a meme to remind myself and distract me from that action. It would be hilarious to be reminded of a funny thought making the todont more meaningful. Thank you.

    opened by AlvinChan-gh 1
  • feature request: Dark mode

    feature request: Dark mode

    After using your app to note down my to-don'ts at night, I noticed how eye-straining the app is to use at night even at low brightness. Would it be possible to implement a dark mode, such that it can be more easily used at night?

    opened by AlvinChan-gh 1
  • [bug] app crash when adding a habit without a label

    [bug] app crash when adding a habit without a label

    :writing_hand: Describe the bug

    when creating a habit without first adding a label and saving the habit, the app crashes and can't be opened until clearing all data.

    :bomb: Steps to reproduce

    1. Open the app after installing/clearing data
    2. Don't create a label, immediately tap the (+) Button to create a habit
    3. enter a name and note
    4. Tap Save

    :wrench: Expected behavior

    The habit saves with a "no label set" message, where a label should be. Alternatively, prompt the user to create a label first.

    :camera: Screenshots

    :iphone: Tech info

    • Device: Samsung Galaxy A72
    • OS: Android 13 / Stock ROM
    • App Version: 1.9

    :page_facing_up: Additional context

    opened by starspritechippy 2
  • Widget to tick the task.

    Widget to tick the task.

    Kindly add the widget to directly add, tick-mark and modify the tasks directly from the home screen instead of opening the app (just like in the case of 'Tasks app').

    enhancement good first issue help wanted hacktoberfest 
    opened by Lemon-in-Suspense 2
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