Localize your application content
- This program will read from your application string.xml file and generate translated strings.xml files in your preferred languages using google sheet.
- Why using google sheet?
To avoid high transaction charges on API requests for translation. Or spending money on a Translator.😉
To run this quickstart, you need the following prerequisites:
To create a project and enable an API,
- NOTE : For this quickstart, you are enabling the “Google Sheets API”
Copy the credentials.json and add in project directory (StringLocalizationGenerator/credentials.json)
Download jar file of Android-Localization
NOTE : if you directly run jar, please put credentials.json file in the folder where your jar file exists.
How to Run .jar file.
* cmd : java -jar <jar-file-name>.jar
After executing .jar file or directly run program
- Please enter google sheet url
- Please enter google sheet name
- Please enter language code (i.e. German=de,French(Standard)=fr, French(Belgium)=fr-be)
- Please enter 'String.xml' file path (i.e.D:\string.xml)
- After performing 4th step : Please check google sheet( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ 'ID OF GOOGLE SHEET'/edit#gid=0 ) for all strings are converted or not, then perform 5th step
- For download translated language files type 'downloadFiles'
1. Google sheet must be public with read and write permission.
2. Default language should be English.
3. First time,after performing the 4th step its redirecting browser and showing a popup of quickstart for permission so click with continue button.