Weedmaps Android Code Challenge!
Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to conduct the Weedmaps Android code challenge. Please use this as a foundation to help you save time setting up your workspace; this project already contains some common dependencies and frameworks used in most Android projects.
If there are other dependencies and/or frameworks that you'd like to introduce/use please feel free to add them!
- Kotlin Ext
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Mockito Kotlin
- Koin
- Retrofit
- Moshi
- Glide
First Things First
Register and get a token for the Yelp Fusion API https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/authentication
- You will be creating a yelp clone with the designs here. The data will be coming from the Yelp api linked below. You should return businesses based on the user's input in the search field.
- Each business item in the list should have: name of the business, an image of the business, and the top review of the business(reference here for how to get the business review).
If you are apply for a senior role, you must also:
- The list must endlessly scroll based on the API's paging functionality.
- Include Unit Tests for parts of your code with important functionality (no need to get 100% code coverage on the whole project).
If you are applying for a senior role, please do at least 2 of the following:
- Requesting the user's location and sending that up in the request
- Save the list of a user's recent searchers and display those to the user as autocomplete suggestions
- Provide integration tests that verify the behavior established above
- Provide caching of the api requests which is invalidated after 15 days
- What if a link is broken above? Please reach out and we'll get those fixed.
- What if I have any questions? Pretend your PM is on vacation, please use your best judgement and be able to speak as to why you made certain decisions.
- Can I modify the designs? Yes, within reason. Stay as true to them as you can, and be prepared to explain any changes you make
- Can I use other/additional libraries that aren't listed? Yes, just be ready to talk about them
- Important: The Fusion API has a query-per-second limit of 5. Keep this in mind when configuring your API requests, otherwise you’ll receive a 429 HTTP error code for some of your requests. It would be a good idea to throttle the speed of your subsequent network requests.
Project Submission Instructions
Please submit either of the following to the link from the email containing your coding HW: A) your completed .zip file B) the link to a public repo with your completed project