These files were created in Android Studio using Kotlin.
This app was made to keep track of life totals while playing the trading card game Magic the Gathering. Each player is represented by a large rounded box that has their corresponding life total centered inside. The users can tap the top and bottom halves of each box to increment or decrement the players' life totals. Users can also tap and drag upward or downward to change the totals quickly or tap and hold to increment or decrement the life totals by 5 every 350 milliseconds. The app can keep track of 1 to 6 players' life totals.
The amount of players can be changed with an option in the settings. Users can also change the color of their box by toggling on the brush button in the top right corner and then selecting the player's box you would like to change.
The play button on the right will randomly pick a player to go first.
Several settings are available in the menu, which is opened by pressing the button in the bottom right corner. These settings allow users to choose the amount of players, starting health, if player displays should rotate, or if they want to reset the game. Any options about timers has not yet been implemented.
The button in the bottom right of each players' box will allow users to deal commander damage to other players. Select the commander damage button of the player who is dealing the damage and then change the values on the damaged players' cards. Once you are done, select the checkmark button in the player box that was dealing the commander damage.