Smart IV
An IoT based automatic alerting device that consists of laser and a precise Light Dependent Resistor to detect the laser which is employed to constantly monitor the fluid level. When the fluid level is below the critical level which will be defined by laser, it will alert the patient through buzzer, nurses and doctors through mobile app and the central control room using web app.Smart-IV is a two-tier application with Android App focussing on node selection while web server handles all the records. The application allows the entry of a new patient, viewing profile facilities and deleting a node assignment to a patient.The application's objective is to form a helping hand to the healthcare workers to monitor the drip system connected to several patients.
Links for mobile and web application
Mobile App: Smart-IV.apk
Web App: Smart-IV Server
-Red circles on DRIP STATUS activity represents that IV bottle is about to get emptied.
-Green circles on DRIP STATUS activity represents that IV bottle still contains adequate amount of fluid.
Hardware Components Used
2.Light dependent resistor(LDR)
5.Power supply
• Using IoT, we can solve the problem of 'empty bottles’. We’re using LDR sensor which is connected to NodeMcu.
• LDR will help us detect if the fluid is below a critical level.
• The NodeMCU will then send their data to the firebase.
• Buzzer will even notify the patient about the fluid level.
• The data from the firebase will then be accessed by a mobile application.
• The nurse and doctors will be notified about the fluid level using mobile and web application.
The cost of the hardware product is estimated to be not more than Rs. 400 which makes it highly economical to be employed in the hospitals.
Working of mobile and web application
With the new entry of a patient is created using web application, a record is generated with a unique patientID which is stored in a firebase-database which will help hospitals in managing records in more manageable manner. Similarly, whenever a "drip entry" is created using mobile apllication, the corresponding data is stored in another database. The creation of drip entry assigns a node to the patient with the highest priority and we are good to go. And both the application consists of monitoring drip status and delete entry options too. Monitoring drip status will allow hospital staff to keep track of the IV bottles connected to the patients. Delete entry option will allow them to delete details of the patients from the hardware node after the treatment is over.
Screenshots of mobile application
Splash Screen | Login Screen | Home Screen | Create Entry Screen |
Details | Check for assistance | Delete and details | Signout |
Screenshots of web application
Login Page | Home Page |
Create Entry Page | Drip Status Page |
Delete Page | Unsuccessful Discharge Page |
Successful Discharge Page | |
Technology Stack
- Internet of Things
- Embedded c
- Firebase
- Kotlin
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Real Time Database
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Material Design
- Javascript
- AWS Server - Apache 2
2.Internet connection
Future Aspects
1.This setup can also be used to measure the drip rate using the same Laser - LDR principle which is needed to be set by nurse according to the value calculated using formula. If the drip rate changes in the course of transfusion, then it will notify the staff which in turn can take the necessary steps.
2.Additionally, the QR/Barcode Scanner included in the app can be used to check the validity of the drip bottles present in hospitals. QR/Barcode can even be used to manage the database of supply of IV fluids in the hospital.
According to the Bloomberg healthiest country index, India has slipped down to the position 120 out of 169 countries. As the dire need of drip system is evident in most medical facilities, the usage of Smart-IV is limitless.In order to outperform our current potential in future emergencies it's important to use technologically advanced solution in the medical industry.