New version of my Android app that shows you popular movies using themoviedb.org API.
The first version Popular Movies, I developed as part of my Android Developer Nanodegree at Udacity back in 2016.
So much has changed in Android development since then, so I decided to make a new one with all the Modern Android Development "MAD"
This app communicates with the Internet to get movie data from the themoviedb.org API. When offline the data is provided from a local cache of data using an internal Room database.
Main changes from the 2016 version:
- programming language now Kotlin instead of Java
- SQL database now using Room
- UI now using Jetpack Compose instead of XML layouts
- still using threaded programming to take the load off the UI, but now using Kotlin coroutines and Flow instead of AsyncTask
- now using dependency injection with Hilt
- MVVM architecture
- Tests using AndroidJUnit4 and Okhttp3 MockWebServer
- Working on more features, comming soon...
Screenshot of one the Composables in the app in Android Studio Preview mode:
Clone the code and import it as a project into Android Studio
Go to the themoviedb.org and request an API key.
Once you have it open /app/src/main/java/com/gemma/popularmovies/data/network/ApiConstants.kt file and add your own API key in line 32
const val API_KEY = ""