Gr8 is Gradle + R8.

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Gradle plugin gr8


Gr8 is Gradle + R8.

Gr8 makes it easy to shadow, shrink, and minimize your jars.


Gradle has a very powerful plugin system. Unfortunately, Gradle handling of classpath/Classloaders for plugins has some serious limitations. For an example:

By shadowing and relocating the plugin dependencies, it is possible to ship a plugin and all its dependencies without having to worry about what Gradle is going to put on the classpath.

As a nice bonus, it makes plugins standalone so consumers of your plugin don't need to declare additional repositories. The gr8 plugin for an example, uses R8 from the Google repo although it makes it available directly from the preconfigured Gradle plugin portal.


To make a shadowed Gradle plugin:

plugins {

// Configuration dependencies that will be shadowed
val shadeConfiguration = configurations.create("shade")

dependencies {
  // Using a redistributed version of Gradle instead of `gradleApi` provides more flexibility
  // See

  // Also set kotlin.stdlib.default.dependency=false in to avoid the 
  // plugin to add it to the "api" configuration
  add("shade", "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib")
  add("shade", "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.0")

gr8 {
  val shadowedJar = create("gr8") {
  // Replace the regular jar with the shadowed one in the publication

  // Make the shadowed dependencies available during compilation/tests
  configurations.named("compileOnly").configure {
  configurations.named("testImplementation").configure {

Then customize your proguard rules. The below is the bare minimum. If you're using reflection, you might need more rules

# The Gradle API jar isn't added to the classpath, ignore the missing symbols
# Allow to make some classes public so that we can repackage them without breaking package-private members

# Keep kotlin metadata so that the Kotlin compiler knows about top level functions and other things
-keep class kotlin.Metadata { *; }

# We need to keep type arguments (Signature) for Gradle to be able to instantiate abstract models like `Property`
-keepattributes Signature,Exceptions,*Annotation*,InnerClasses,PermittedSubclasses,EnclosingMethod,Deprecated,SourceFile,LineNumberTable

# Keep your public API so that it's callable from scripts
-keep class com.example.** { *; }

-repackageclasses com.example.relocated


Could I use the Shadow plugin instead?

The Gradle Shadow Plugin has been helping plugin authors for years and is a very stable solution. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow very granular configuration and might relocate constant strings that shouldn't be. In practice, any plugin that tries to read the "kotlin" extension is subject to having its behaviour changed:


will be transformed to:


For plugins that generate source code and contain a lot of package names, this might be even more unpredictable and require weird workarounds.

By using R8 and proguard rules, Gr8 makes relocation more predictable and configurable.

Could I use the Gradle Worker API instead?

Yes, the Gradle Worker API ensures proper plugin isolation. It only works for task actions and requires some setup so shadowing/relocating is a more universal solution.

Are there any drawbacks?

Yes. Because every plugin now relocates its own version of kotlin-stdlib, okio and other dependendancies, it means more work for the Classloaders and more Metaspace being used. There's a risk that builds will use more memory although it hasn't been a big issue so far.

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    I want to relocate AWS SDK for, and it looks like proguard is either "relocate+obfuscate" or "just keep old package names".

    What I want is to just relocate packages under com.github.burrunan.s3cache.relocated package, and I don't want all the classes to be renamed as a.class so the stacktraces are understandable.

    Do you know if there's a proguard configuration for that?

    It looks like -keep would keep the original names (which would defeat the purpose of shading as it would conflict with other dependencies), however, -flattenpackagehierarchy and -repackageclasses obfuscate the names.

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  • Applying to multi module project

    Applying to multi module project

    I'm trying to use this plugin for That project has a plugin module and a separate module containing some logic around the version catalogs.

    Following the README I've setup the plugin like this:

    def shadeConfiguration = configurations.create("shade")
    gr8 {
        def shadowedJar = create("gr8") {
        // Replace the regular jar with the shadowed one in the publication
        // Make the shadowed dependencies available during compilation/tests
        configurations.named("compileOnly").configure {
        configurations.named("testImplementation").configure {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        shade project(":catalog")
        shade "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.4"
        shade "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-toml:2.13.0"
        shade "com.squareup.moshi:moshi:1.12.0"
        shade "com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:1.12.0"
        testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2'
        testImplementation 'com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin:0.40.0'
        compileOnly 'com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin:0.40.0'

    It seems that I have to add the catalog module to the shade configuration too, otherwise none of the classes from that module appear to be added to the plugin jar. But this introduces an issue where I can no longer run my tests; classes from that project are not found in testKit tests, even when testImplementation is extending the shade config.

    I'm also not sure if I really need to redeclare the dependencies that that module uses here in the shade config. It also seems that not all of the kotlin classes are relocated in the gr8 jar so that also seems to point to more configuration / user errors 😄

    Can you point me in the right direction?

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