Async Workers and Worker managers for Android



Asynchronous Workers and Worker Managers for Android.

Android Arsenal

How to use

simply fork or download the project, you can also download and create .aar file yourself.

Notable Features

  • use Worker API as a replacement for AsyncTask
  • workers run on background threads and return callbacks on the main(calling) thread.
  • automate a batch of workers with two worker managers:
    • PriorityWorkerManager - workers are processed according to their priority both serially or unbounded.
    • TopologicalWorkerManager - workers are processed according to a binary topological relation and order.

Using a Worker

1. Simply anonymously instantiate AbstractWorker

AbstractWorker worker = new AbstractWorker() {
    protected void onProgress() {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

    protected void onComplete() {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

    public void work() {
        // here you put work to be done in a background thread

// run async

2. Simply extend AbstractWorker

MyWorker worker = new MyWorker();

worker.process(new WorkerObserver() {
    public void onWorkerComplete(IWorker worker) {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

    public void onWorkerProgress(IWorker worker) {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

    public void onWorkerError(IWorker worker) {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

3. use SimpleWorker with a IWork object (like Runnable)

SimpleWorker sw = new SimpleWorker(new IWork() {
    public void work() {
        // here you put work to be done in a background thread



  • IWorker.process(..) method also have an overloaded version where one can pass ExecutorService
  • IWorker supports many more methods and ideas. I did not go through all.
  • in the future, I will add support for Java native FutureTask and Callable so worker can have cancelling feature.

Using a Worker Manager

Worker managers support a lot of functionality such as pause, start, stop etc.. You can also implement a Worker manager using BaseAbstractWorkerManager, it is very easy. Contributions of new Worker managers are most welcome.

Priority Worker Manager.

pm = new PriorityWorkerManager("myId");
// serial mode

IWorker worker = null;
String  id;
int     priority;

for(int ix = 0; ix < 20; ix++) {
    id        = String.valueOf(ix);
    priority  = ix;
    worker    = new TestWorker(id, priority);


pm.setListener(new WorkerManagerObserver() {
    public void onComplete(IWorkerManager wm) {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

    public void onProgress(String id) {
        // runs on the calling/main thread

    public void onError(WorkerManagerErrorInfo err) {
        // runs on the calling/main thread


Topological Worker Manager.

Use the TopologicalWorkerManager.Builder or Zorn.newTopologicalWorkerManager() to create a worker manager that takes into account a directed binary relation among workers.

TestWorker a1 = new TestWorker("a1");
TestWorker a2 = new TestWorker("a2");
TestWorker a3 = new TestWorker("a3");
TestWorker a4 = new TestWorker("a4");
TestWorker a5 = new TestWorker("a5");

TopologicalWorkerManager tm = new TopologicalWorkerManager.Builder().id("topological_test")
                                                          .before(a1, a3)
                                                          .before(a2, a3)
                                                          .after(a4, a3)
                                                          .after(a5, a4)




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