Ivy FRP is a Functional Reactive Programming framework for declarative-style programming for Android


License: GPL v3 PRs welcome!


Ivy FRP is a Functional Reactive Programming framework for declarative-style programming for Android. 🚀

Minimalistic and light-weight implementation of the Ivy FRP Architecture.

Recommendation: Use it alongside Jetpack Compose.


Imaginary Weather app ☁️ ☀️

TL;DR: You'll find the code of the entire weather app below. If you're already sold to use Ivy FRP => skip to Installation.

Data (boring)

data class Temperature(
    val value: Float,
    val unit: TemperatureUnit

enum class TemperatureUnit {

data class UserPreference(
    val temperatureUnit: TemperatureUnit

IO (boring)

data class WeatherResponse(
    val temperature: Temperature

interface WeatherService {
    suspend fun getWeather(): WeatherResponse

interface UserPreferenceService {
    suspend fun getTempUnit(): UserPreference

    suspend fun updateTempUnit(
        @Query("unit") temperatureUnit: TemperatureUnit



class ConvertTempAct @Inject constructor() : FPAction() {

    override suspend fun Input.compose(): suspend () -> Temperature =
        this asParamTo ::convertValue then { convertedValue ->
            Temperature(convertedValue, toUnit)

    private fun convertValue(input: Input): Float = with(input.temperature) {
        if (unit == input.toUnit) value else {
            when (input.toUnit) {
                TemperatureUnit.CELSIUS -> fahrenheitToCelsius(value)
                TemperatureUnit.FAHRENHEIT -> celsiusToFahrenheit(value)

    //X°F = (Y°C × 9/5) + 32
    private fun celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius: Float): Float = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32

    //X°C = (Y°F - 32) / (9/5)
    private fun fahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheit: Float): Float = (fahrenheit - 32) / (9 / 5)

    data class Input(
        val temperature: Temperature,
        val toUnit: TemperatureUnit


class CurrentTempAct @Inject constructor(
    private val weatherService: WeatherService,
    private val convertTempAct: ConvertTempAct
) : FPAction>() {
    override suspend fun TemperatureUnit.compose(): suspend () -> Res<String, Temperature> = tryOp(
        operation = weatherService::getWeather
    ) mapSuccess { response ->
            temperature = response.temperature,
            toUnit = this //TemperatureUnit
    } mapSuccess convertTempAct mapError {
        "Failed to fetch weather: ${it.message}"


class UserPreferenceAct @Inject constructor(
    private val userPreferenceService: UserPreferenceService
) : FPAction>() {
    override suspend fun Unit.compose(): suspend () -> Res<String, UserPreference> = tryOp(
        operation = userPreferenceService::getTempUnit
    ) mapError {
        "Failed to fetch user's preference: ${it.message}"


class UpdateUserPreferenceAct @Inject constructor(
    private val userPreferenceService: UserPreferenceService
) : FPAction>() {
    override suspend fun TemperatureUnit.compose(): suspend () -> Res<String, Unit> = tryOp(
        operation = this asParamTo userPreferenceService::updateTempUnit
    ) mapError {
        "Failed to update user preference: ${it.message}"



sealed class WeatherState {
    object Loading : WeatherState()

    data class Error(val errReason: String) : WeatherState()

    data class Success(
        val tempUnit: TemperatureUnit,
        val temp: Float
    ) : WeatherState()


sealed class WeatherEvent {
    object LoadWeather : WeatherEvent()

    data class UpdateTempUnit(val unit: TemperatureUnit) : WeatherEvent()


class WeatherViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val userPreferenceAct: UserPreferenceAct,
    private val updateUserPreferenceAct: UpdateUserPreferenceAct,
    private val currentTempAct: CurrentTempAct,
) : FRPViewModel() {
    override val _state: MutableStateFlow<WeatherState> = MutableStateFlow(WeatherState.Loading)

    override suspend fun handleEvent(event: WeatherEvent): suspend () -> WeatherState =
        when (event) {
            is WeatherEvent.LoadWeather -> loadWeather()
            is WeatherEvent.UpdateTempUnit -> updateTempUnit(event)

    private suspend fun loadWeather(): suspend () -> WeatherState = suspend {
        updateState { WeatherState.Loading }
    } then userPreferenceAct mapSuccess {
        it.temperatureUnit //loadTempFor() expects TemperatureUnit
    } then ::loadTempFor

    private suspend fun updateTempUnit(
        event: WeatherEvent.UpdateTempUnit
    ): suspend () -> WeatherState = suspend {
        updateState { WeatherState.Loading }
    } then updateUserPreferenceAct mapSuccess {
    } then ::loadTempFor

    private suspend fun loadTempFor(tempRes: Res<String, TemperatureUnit>) =
        tempRes.lambda() thenIfSuccess currentTempAct thenInvokeAfter {
            when (it) {
                is Res.Ok -> WeatherState.Success(
                    temp = it.data.value,
                    tempUnit = it.data.unit
                is Res.Err -> WeatherState.Error(errReason = it.error)



data class WeatherScreen(
    val title: String
) : Screen

fun BoxWithConstraintsScope.WeatherScreen(screen: WeatherScreen) {
    FRP<WeatherState, WeatherEvent, WeatherViewModel>(
        initialEvent = WeatherEvent.LoadWeather
    ) { state, onEvent ->
        UI(title = screen.title, state = state, onEvent = onEvent)

private fun UI(
    title: String,
    state: WeatherState,

    onEvent: (WeatherEvent) -> Unit
) {
    //UI goes here.....
    //When Celsius is clicked:
    // onEvent(WeatherEvent.UpdateTempUnit(TemperatureUnit.CELSIUS))

Find the full sample here.

Key Features

  • Function composition using then. (supporting suspend functions, `Action & FPAction)

  • FPAction: declaritive-style "use-case" which can be composed.

  • FRPViewModel: functional-reactive ViewModel implementation, see Ivy FRP Architecture .

  • @Composable FRP(){ UI() }: functional-reactive UI implementation in Jetpack Compose.

  • Res.Ok / Res.Err result type: monadic result type supporting success and error composition.

    • thenIfSuccess: calls the next function only on success (OK)
    • mapSuccess: maps only the success type if the result is OK
    • mapError: maps only the error type if the result is Err
  • (optional) NavigationRoot + Navigation: navigation component for Jetpack Compose

    • ⚠️ to use it with proper back handling you must override onBackPressed()

if you use Navigation:

//required only for "NavigationRoot" and "Navigation"
override fun onBackPressed() {
    if (!navigation.onBackPressed()) {


Gradle KTS

1. Add maven(url = "https://jitpack.io") to repositories.

settings.gradle.kts (at the top)

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")


build.gradle.kts (buildSrc) (right below "plugins")

plugins {

repositories {
    maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")


2. Add com.github.ILIYANGERMANOV:ivy-frp:0:0:0 dependency.

< -- latest version

build.gradle.kts (app)


Replace 0.0.0 with the latest version from Jitpack.


1. Add maven(url = "https://jitpack.io") to repositories.

2. Add com.github.ILIYANGERMANOV:ivy-frp:0:0:0 dependency.

< -- latest version

build.gradle.kts (app)

implementation 'com.githubILIYANGERMANOV:ivy-frp:0.0.0'


🚧 WIP... 🚧

For samples and usage in a real-world scenario please refer to the Ivy Wallet's GitHub repo.

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