Android MVVM framework write in kotlin, develop Android has never been so fun.

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Kotlin KBinding



Android MVVM framework write in kotlin, base on anko, simple but powerful. It depends on my another project AutoAdapter(A library for simplifying adapter creation)



  • OneWay: Binding from model to view
  • TwoWay: Binding from model to view and view to model
  • OneWayToSource: Binding from view to model
  • OneTime: Binding from model to view, and auto release after first emit

Simple Binding

verticalLayout {
    editText {
        bind { text("name", mode = TwoWay) }
    button {
        bind { click("hello") }
class SimpleViewModel() : ViewModel() {
    var name: String by"Jason")
    // all the parameter for Command is optional, first parameter pass by event Observable, second parameter is lambda (Boolean) -> Unit
    val hello(canExecute: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
        toast("Hello, ${name}!")

Multiple Binding

//login button enabled only when name and password not empty
class ArrayToBooleanConverter : MultipleConverter<Boolean> {
    override fun convert(params: Array<Any>): Boolean {
        params.forEach {
            if(it.toString().isEmpty()) return false
        return true
verticalLayout {
    editText {
        bind { text("name", mode = TwoWay) }
    editText {
            bind { text("password", mode = TwoWay) }
    button {
        bind { enabled("name", "password", mode = OneWay, converter = ArrayToBooleanConverter()) }
        bind { click("login") }
class LoginViewModel() : ViewModel() {
    var name: String by"")
    var password: String by"xxxxxx")
    val login() {
        //login processing

DependencyProperty and ExtractProperty

// @DependencyProperty will generate binding for nameAndSymbol depends on stock, stock changes then nameAndSymbol changes
// @ExtractProperty will generate binding for stock properties, for example code below, Property name and price will generated. If hasPrefix = true, then Property stock.price will generated.
class StockViewModel() : ViewModel() {
        "name", "price",
        hasPrefix = false
    var stock: Stock? by
    var nameAndSymbol: String by { stock?.name + stock?.symbol }


//wait/until just like OneTime binding, but it need apply action, for example below, it wait for market from model, then decide how to display
relativeLayout {
    wait { until("market", converter = viewOfMarket) { inflate(it, this@verticalLayout) }  }

Extend Binding Property


    fun String) : PropertyBinding = commandBinding(path, clicks(), enabled())


    fun View.enabled(vararg paths: String, mode: OneWay = BindingMode.OneWay, converter: OneWayConverter<Boolean> = EmptyOneWayConverter()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(paths, enabled(), false, converter) 
    //this implements four binding mode for TextView, if just need OneWay mode, remove last three lines, some for other mode
    fun TextView.text(vararg paths: String, mode: OneWay = BindingMode.OneWay, converter: OneWayConverter<out CharSequence> = EmptyOneWayConverter()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(paths, text(), false, converter)
    fun TextView.text(vararg paths: String, mode: OneTime, converter: OneWayConverter<out CharSequence> = EmptyOneWayConverter()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(paths, text(), true, converter)
    fun TextView.text(path: String, mode: OneWayToSource, converter: OneWayConverter<*> = EmptyOneWayConverter<String>()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(path, textChanges2(), converter)
    fun TextView.text(path: String, mode: TwoWay, converter: TwoWayConverter<String, *> = EmptyTwoWayConverter<String, String>()) : PropertyBinding = twoWayPropertyBinding(path, textChanges2(), text(), converter) 

Using with Gradle

dependencies {
    compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding:0.2.3'
    kapt 'com.benny.library:kbinding-compiler:0.2.3'
    // for common bindings, View, TextView, and ...
    compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding-common:0.2.3'
    // for recyclerview bindings
    compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding-adapterview:0.2.3'
    // for support v4 bindings
    compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding-support-v4:0.2.3'


Now is just the beginning of KBinding, so everyone interested in this library, just fork it and pull requests to me. Let's make it a little better.


QQ Group: 516157585

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    This is some great stuff! We've started playing around with it at Jongla (in Finland) and we really like the approach!

    One thing that we'd love to see if possible is an API for OneWay binding that gets rid of the converter and the whole "one time" thing and functions purely on Rx. Internally this is happening in your code base (for example, you use Observable.take to implement one-time binding), but if the inside of the observable chain could be manipulated (for example, via "compose") then arbitrary mappings of bound variables could make their way down to the UI.

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    Currently, this library is binding according to the simple name of binded member, what is a string programmer may typo. I highly recommend you refer to DBFlow's approach, generates the associated classes for each model, contains special properties for binded members, and binding according to the special properties. E.g. The model:

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        var name by<String>()

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        val name: BindingProperty<String> = ...

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    textView {
        bind { text( }
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