SharedPreference usage made fun in Kotlin



Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage simple and fun.

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This library is younger brother of KotlinPreferences.

With PreferenceHolder, you can define different preference fields this way:

object Pref: PreferenceHolder() {
    var canEatPie: Boolean by bindToPreferenceField(true)

And use it this way:

if(Pref.canEatPie) //...

Here are other preference definition examples: (see full example and usage)

object UserPref: PreferenceHolder() {
    var canEatPie: Boolean by bindToPreferenceField(true)
    var allPieInTheWorld: Long by bindToPreferenceField(0)

    var isMonsterKiller: Boolean? by bindToPreferenceFieldNullable()
    var monstersKilled: Int? by bindToPreferenceFieldNullable()
    // Property with backup is reading stored value in the first usage, 
    // and saving it, in background, each time it is changed.
    var experience: Float? by bindToPropertyWithBackup(-1.0F) 
    var className: String? by bindToPropertyWithBackupNullable()

    // Any type can used if serializer is set. See: Gson serialization
    var character: Character? by bindToPreferenceFieldNullable()
    var savedGame: Game? by bindToPreferenceFieldNullable()

    // Single level collections are also supported if serializer is set. See: Gson serialization
    var longList: Map<Int, Long> by bindToPreferenceField(mapOf(0 to 12L, 10 to 143L))
    var propTest: List<Character>? by bindToPropertyWithBackupNullable()
    var elemTest: Set<Elems> by bindToPreferenceField(setOf(Elems.Elem1, Elems.Elem3))

There must be application Context added to PreferenceHolder companion object. Example:

class App : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

It it suggested to do it in project Application class. As an alternative, PreferenceHolderApplication can also be added as a name of an application in AndroidManifest: (example)


Unit testing components

Library also include test mode:

PreferenceHolder.testingMode = true

When it is turned on, then all properties are acting just like normal properties without binding to preference field. This allows to make unit tests to presenters and to use cases that are using instance of PreferenceHolder.


To add PreferenceHolder to the project, add to build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile "com.marcinmoskala.PreferenceHolder:preferenceholder:1.51"

While library is located on JitPack, remember to add to module build.gradle (unless you already have it):

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Gson serialization

To use Gson serializer, we need to add following dependency:

dependencies {
    compile "com.marcinmoskala.PreferenceHolder:preferenceholder-gson-serializer:1.51"

And specify GsonSerializer as PreferenceHolder serializer:

PreferenceHolder.serializer = GsonSerializer(Gson())

Since then, we can use all types, even one not supported by SharedPreference (like custom objects Character and Game, or collections)

Other libraries

If you like it, remember to leave the star and check out my other libraries:

  • ActivityStarter - Simple Android Library, that provides easy way to start and save state of Activities, Fragments, Services and Receivers with arguments.
  • ArcSeekBar - Good looking curved Android SeekBar
  • VideoPlayView - Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image
  • KotlinAndroidViewBindings - Bindings for properties with simple Kotlin types (Boolean, String) to layout traits (visibility, text).


Copyright 2017 Marcin Moskała

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Can you add `List<MyClass>`example to README?

    Can you add `List`example to README?

    I'm using Android Studio 3.0 + kotlin.

    // build.gradle
    compile "com.marcinmoskala.PreferenceHolder:preferenceholder:1.5"
    compile "com.marcinmoskala.PreferenceHolder:preferenceholder-gson-serializer:1.5"
    // class App : Application()
    override fun onCreate() {
      PreferenceHolder.serializer = GsonSerializer(Gson())
    class User(name: String, age: Int = 0) {
      var name: String? = name
      var age: Int? = age
    object AppPreference : PreferenceHolder() {
      var users: List<User>? by bindToPreferenceFieldNullable()
    // add 
    val users: ArrayList<User> = ArrayList()
    for (i in (0..5)) {
      users.add(User("name" + i, i))
    AppPreference.users = users
    // get
    Log.i("###", AppPreference.users.toString()) 
    // => [{age=0.0, name=name0}, {age=1.0, name=name1}, {age=2.0, name=name2}, {age=3.0, name=name3}, {age=4.0, name=name4}, {age=5.0, name=name5}]
    for (user in AppPreference.users!!) {
    // => java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to kr.susemi99.testkotlin.model.User
    val users = Gson().fromJson<List<User>>(AppPreference.users)
    val users: List<User> = Gson().fromJson(AppPreference.users)
    // => compile error
    val usersType = object : TypeToken<List<User>>() {}.type
    val users = Gson().fromJson<List<User>>(AppPreference.users, usersType)
    // => compile error

    Please add some more detailed instructions for beginners.

    opened by susemi99 10
  • ArrayList goes empty after restarting app

    ArrayList goes empty after restarting app

    Hi, i use below line to add product (data class) to cart in sharedpreference: var CartItems: ArrayList<ResDataClass.Companion.Product> by bindToPreferenceField(arrayListOf()) when app is alive CartItems has values but after restarting app CartItems goes Empty everything except arraylist in sharedpreference has value something's wrong in saving arrays in sharedpreference plz fix it thanks

    opened by nightfury96 4
  • object changes not saved

    object changes not saved

    I use this library to save any type of object in PreferenceFieldBinder you got this line of code: override fun setValue(thisRef: PreferenceHolder, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) { if (value == field) return

    meaning that if I change object and try to save it again it not saved

    opened by duz17 2
  • Nested data classes are not parsed back correctly

    Nested data classes are not parsed back correctly

    These are my models

    data class IChapter<T>(
      var _id: String,
      var title: String,
      var picture: T,
      var createdAt: Long,
      var updatedAt: Long
    data class IMedia(
      var _id: String,
      var name: String,
      var extension: String,
      var path: String,
      var size: Long,
      var createdAt: Long,
      var updatedAt: Long

    I want to save this in prefrences.

    object prefs : PreferenceHolder() {
      var chapters: List<IChapter<IMedia>> by bindToPreferenceField(listOf())

    After i populate it with objects coming from this

        fun getRemoteChapters(): List<IChapter<IMedia>> = listOf(
          IChapter("1", "در تنهایی و ...", IMedia("1", "f1", "jpg", "", 0, 0, 0), 0, 0),
          IChapter("2", "پیش از جکومت", IMedia("2", "f2", "jpg", "", 0, 0, 0), 0, 0),
          IChapter("3", "تا رهایی", IMedia("3", "f3", "jpg", "", 0, 0, 0), 0, 0)

    If i close and open my app i get class cast error as below

        java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to ir.yooneskh.alisotries.database.models.IMedia

    Am i doing anything wrong?

    opened by yooneskh 1
  • automatic key name

    automatic key name

    what is the key string that created automatically for declaring new preference (without specifying it)? var useTestAutoCapture: Boolean by bindToPreferenceField(false)

    I know I could put it like this and have it: var useTestAutoCapture: Boolean by bindToPreferenceField(false, "useTestAutoCapture")

    but let's say I didn't, released a version and need to know this string (to use in preferences activity for example)

    I couldn't find the answer for it, even on debug

    opened by duz17 0
  • java.lang.Error


    My app is reporting this error.

    I have a lot of values but only in this case the problem occur.

    Could someone help me? Thsnks.

      at com.marcinmoskala.kotlinpreferences.PreferenceHolder$Companion.getPreferencesOrThrowError$preferenceholder_release (PreferenceHolder.kt:86)
      at com.marcinmoskala.kotlinpreferences.bindings.PreferenceFieldBinder.readValue (PreferenceFieldBinder.kt:39)
      at com.marcinmoskala.kotlinpreferences.bindings.PreferenceFieldBinder.getValue (PreferenceFieldBinder.kt:22)
      at com.marcinmoskala.kotlinpreferences.bindings.PreferenceFieldBinder.getValue (PreferenceFieldBinder.kt:12)
      at app.package.utils.helpers.ApplicationPreference.getHomeGridElements (PreferencesHelper.kt)
      at app.package.modules.home.HomeFragment.onCreate (HomeFragment.kt:62)
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at app.package.modules.base.BaseActivity.onStart (BaseActivity.kt:25)
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at$H.handleMessage (
      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
      at android.os.Looper.loop (
      at (
      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method)
      at$ (
      at (


    object ApplicationPreference : PreferenceHolder() {
        var homeGridElements: Int by bindToPreferenceField(2)


    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            gridItemDecoration = GridSpacingItemDecoration(ApplicationPreference.homeGridElements, getActivityContext()?.resources?.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dm_grid_margin) ?: 0, false)
    opened by dsdebastiani 3
  • Preference Change Listener

    Preference Change Listener

    I love this implementation of a Preference wrapper, but I find myself using Preference change listeners sometimes and would like to know if this is something you've considered adding functionality for.

    opened by sugarmanz 2
Marcin Moskała
Teacher, speaker, consultant, founder of Kot. Academy, author of Android Development with Kotlin.
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