A funny project to help you test your BNF syntax



The idea of this project is to implement a BNF expression compiler.

We could use BNF to design some syntax like Arithmetic expression.

<factor> ::= <int> | "(" <expr> ")"
<int> ::= [0-9]+
<term> ::= <factor> (("*" | "/" ) <factor>)*
<expr> ::= <term> (("+" | "-") <term>)*

It matches any simple arithmetic expression such as


However, You have to write your interpreter.

So I was thinking, It probably exciting to write a compiler for the BNF expression, and that's it.

Here is the syntax list for BNF

<text> ::= ([a-z] | [0-9] | "*" | "/" | "+" | "-" | "(" | ")")+
<quantifier> ::= "?" | "+" | "*"
<exp_name> ::= "<" <text> ">"
<var> ::= "\"" <text> "\""
<var_group> ::= "[" <text> "-" <text> "]"
<factor> ::= <var> | <exp_name> | <var_group> | "(" <exp_list> ")"
<exp> ::= <factor> <quantifier>?
<exp_list> ::= <exp> "|"? <exp_list> | <exp>
<declaration> ::= <exp_name> "::=" <exp_list>
<program> ::= <declaration> <program> | <declaration>

I turned the syntax to an AST (abstract syntax tree) and converted the AST to NFA. So we could allow you to design your syntax.

Here is the test case for arithmetic expression

fun testNFASearch() {
    val text = """
    <int> ::= [0-9]+
    <factor> ::= <int> | "(" <expr> ")"
    <term> ::= <factor> (("*" | "/" ) <factor>)*
    <expr> ::= <term> (("+" | "-") <term>)*
    //Initial the NFA symbol table.
    val symbolTableNodeVisitor = SymbolTableNodeVisitor(ExpressionParser(Lexer(text)))
    val symbolTable = symbolTableNodeVisitor.getSymbolTable()

    val nodeVisitor = NFANodeVisitor(symbolTable, ExpressionParser(Lexer(text)))
    val programNode = nodeVisitor.visitNode()
    val subProgram = programNode.getSubProgram("expr")
    val matcher = NFAEngine(subProgram)
    val str =
    val pathList = matcher.search(str)
    for (path in pathList) {
        val subStr = str.substring(path.start, path.end)
        println(subStr + " Matcher:" + path.state.matcher)
    val path = pathList.last()
    Assertions.assertEquals(path.end, str.length)

We can use this engine to track or match any text by using your syntax.

Here are some pictures that I turned the AST to NFA

image image image image

Test cases

How I design the quantifiers

  • For symbol '+'


  • For symbol '*'


  • For symbol '?'


About Dot

I use the class: DotGenerator help me to generate the dot file.

digraph astgraph {
  node [fontsize=36, height=1];rankdir = "LR";labelloc = "t";label = "dot_expression1";
	node0 [label = "program"]
	node0 -> node1
	node1 [label = "int"]
	node1 -> node2
	node2 [label = "ε-0"]
	node2 -> node3
	node3 [label = "text<ab>"]
	node3 -> node4
	node4 [label = "ε-1"]
	node4 -> node5
	node5 [label = "range<0-9>"]
	node5 -> node6
	node6 [label = "ε-2"]
	node6 -> node4
	node6 -> node7
	node4 [label = "ε-1"]
	node7 [label = "ε-3"]
	node7 -> node8
	node8 [label = "text<c>"]
	node8 -> node9
	node9 [label = "ε-4"]
	node9 -> node10
	node10 [label = "END"]

You can download the IDEA plugin: dot-plugin or use the website: GraphvizOnline to visualize the graph.


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