An Android Library for handling Bluetooth Low Energy on Android Easy


Android BLE Made Easy

An easy to use, kotlin friendly BLE library for Android.



  • Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your project gradle file
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  • Step 2. Add the implementation dependency to your app gradle file
dependencies {

    implementation 'com.github.LeandroSQ:android-ble-made-easy:v1.4.0'

  • Step 3. Gradle sync and you're ready to go!

Core features


The library accepts being used both in an Activity and a Fragment!

val ble = BLE(activity = this)
// or
val ble = BLE(fragment = this)

Automatic handle permissions

The library requests the permissions for you.


    rationaleRequestCallback = { next ->
        // Include your code to show an Alert or UI explaining why the permissions are required
        // Calling the function bellow if the user agrees to give the permissions
    callback = { granted ->
        if (granted) {
            // Continue your code....
        } else {
            // Include your code to show an Alert or UI indicating that the permissions are required


GlobalScope.launch {
    val granted = ble.verifyPermissions(
        rationaleRequestCallback = { next ->
            // Include your code to show an Alert or UI explaining why the permissions are required
            // Calling the function bellow if the user agrees to give the permissions

    if (granted) {
        // Continue your code....
    } else {
        // Include your code to show an Alert or UI indicating that the permissions are required

Automatic turn on the Bluetooth adapter

The library requests the Bluetooth hardware to be activated whenever it is off.


ble.verifyBluetoothAdapterStateAsync { active ->
    if (active) {
        // Continue your code...
    } else {
        // Include your code to show an Alert or UI indicating that the Bluetooth adapter is required to be on in order to your project work


GlobalScope.launch {
    if (ble.verifyBluetoothAdapterState()) {
        // Continue your code...
    } else {
        // Include your code to show an Alert or UI indicating that the Bluetooth adapter is required to be on in order to your project work

Automatic turn on Location services

The library requests Location services to be activated whenever it is off.


ble.verifyLocationStateAsync{ active ->
    if (active) {
        // Continue your code...
    } else {
        // Include your code to show an Alert or UI indicating that Location is required to be on in order to your project work


GlobalScope.launch {
    if (ble.verifyLocationState()) {
        // Continue your code...
    } else {
        // Include your code to show an Alert or UI indicating that Location is required to be on in order to your project work

Asynchronous and Coroutines

You can both use the library with callbacks and with coroutines suspended functions The callback functions having the 'async' suffix. And requiring a HOF callback as a parameter .

Handling the bluetooth connections with graceful connection shutdown, in another words, waits for current running operations (Read and Write) to be finished before closing the connection

JetPack Contracts Ready!

The library uses the new JetPack contracts API to automatically handle permissions and adapter activation for you.

Compatible with older API levels

Theoretically compatible all the way down to API 18, but made targeting API 21+.

Well documented!

All the functions and variables you're gonna be using are very well documented with KotlinDOC. So you can get autocompletion information on Android Studio. But if you want to take a look without installing it... You can take a look on the dokka generated documentation


Both low level bytes and String conversion

The library gives you the option to receive and send raw Bytes if you want. But also you can let it encode and decode your strings automatically.

Automatically handles the pain of Known issues

Take for instance Issue 183108 where Lollipop devices will not work properly without a workaround to handle the connection.

Or the well-known BLE 133 error! The nightmare of everyone that already worked with BLE on Android, this library has a compilation of techniques being used to get around it


After instantiating the BLE class...

Fast scan for a specific device

If you already know the device you wanna connect to, you could use this:


if (connection != null) { // And you can continue with your code it.write("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Testing") } else { // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message about the device not being available } }, onError = { errorCode -> // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message about the error } ) // It is important to keep in mind that every single one of the provided arguments of the function shown above, are optionals! Therefore, you can skip the ones that you don't need. ">
    // You only need to supply one of these, no need for all of them!
    macAddress = "00:00:00:00",
    name = "ESP32",
    service = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    onFinish = { connection ->
        if (connection != null) {
            // And you can continue with your code
            it.write("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Testing")
        } else {
            // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message about the device not being available
       onError = { errorCode ->
         // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message about the error

// It is important to keep in mind that every single one of the provided arguments of the function shown above, are optionals! Therefore, you can skip the ones that you don't need.


GlobalScope.launch {
    // You can specify filters for your device, being them 'macAddress', 'service' and 'name'
    val connection = ble.scanFor(
        // You only need to supply one of these, no need for all of them!
        macAddress = "00:00:00:00",
        name = "ESP32",
        service = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

    // And it will automatically connect to your device, no need to boilerplate
    if (connection != null) {
        // And you can continue with your code
        it.write("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Testing")
    } else {
        // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message about the device not being available

Scanning BLE devices


    duration = 10000,
    onDiscover = { device ->
        // Update your UI with the newest found device, in real time
    onFinish = { devices ->
        // Continue with your code handling all the devices found
    onError = { errorCode ->
        // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message


GlobalScope.launch {
    try {
        // Continue with your code handling all the devices found
        val devices = ble.scan(duration = 10000)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message
    } catch (e: ScanFailureException) {
        // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message

Or you could use the scan method without any timeout, only stopping it manually

    duration = 0, // Disables the timeout
    onDiscover = { device ->
        // Update your UI with the newest found device, in real time
    onFinish = { devices ->
        // Continue with your code handling all the devices found
    onError = { errorCode ->
        // Show an Alert or UI with your preferred error message

// Stops your scan manually

Manually connecting to a discovered device

After a successful scan, you'll have your Bluetooth device, now it is time to connect with it!

ble.connect(device)?.let { connection ->
    // Continue with your code
    val value ="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
    connection.write("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "0")

Made With <3 by Leandro Quevedo

  • Getting started

    Getting started


    This isn't really an issue as much as it is a request in getting help with using BLE made easy. I'm some what new to app development and new to Kotlin.

    Background I'm currently working on a project where I want to control LED lights via ble. My first step is to do a simple toggle the lights on and off. I'm using HM-10 BLE module to receive signals and an arduino uno to control the signals to the lights. I've used the dabble app to test my HM-10 and arduino uno code and have successfully seen that the lights turn on. Now I would like to build my own app to control the lights from my phone.

    What I'm Seeing I've imported ble-made-easy into android studio and made sure there are no errors. When I test the app (via wireless debugging) on my device I only see main activity (screen title says "AndroidEasyBLE"). No list view or text views or buttons.

    Do I need to do anything in the main activity to inflate the fragments and bind correctly? Is there an example I can run out of the box, where I can scan, and connect to a BLE device?

    Thank you very much! Swarandeep Singh

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by Swarandeep1 15
  • Not able to scan And print

    Not able to scan And print

    @LeandroSQ after integration of your library i am not able to scan and get BLE devices. I checked increase time out as well

    i am creating demo for print 58mm BLE printer i find name and mac address from other app but i dont what i need to pass as "characteristic" for write to printer?

    i create receipt format but dont know hot to send this to BLE printer and after compete print disconnect with printer

    can you please help me for that


    help wanted 
    opened by iAmAndroidDeveloper 10
  • Failed to read characteristic

    Failed to read characteristic

    Hi there,

    I'm pretty new with kotlin and bluetooth and I'm trying your nice library, scan device works perfectly, but when I want to connect to a device and read a characteristic I get a null return and this is what I get in log : (failed to read characteristic)


    Here is my code :

     * Connect BLE device
    public fun connectBLE(ble:BLE, device: BLEDevice) {
        var name: String =
        lifecycleScope.launch {
                ble.connect(device)?.let { connection ->
                    // For watching bytes
                    val value ="00002A29-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")
                    Log.i("BLEDATA", "$value")

    I read that for reading 16 bits uuid with bluetooth low energy we have make uuid this form : 0000XXXX-0000-1000-8000–00805f9b34fb But maybe I'm wrong ?

    I got the uuid 0x180A with nrf Connect App and this is marked Read and correspond to the manufacturer brand name string. I bet I'm doing something wrong but dont know what...

    Thanks a lot !

    bug enhancement good first issue 
    opened by Octavelscx 9
  • react to events emitted from the ble device

    react to events emitted from the ble device


    i just stumblep upon your ble lib. Seems very well done ,congratz! When i looked through the code i asked myself if the lib can already react to events that are emmitted from the ble device?

    opened by Ditscheridou 6
  • [Bug] Default scan settings are not satisfying legacy devices (< SDK 29)

    [Bug] Default scan settings are not satisfying legacy devices (< SDK 29)

    Hello, thank you for creating this awesome library!

    I am currently running into some issues on older devices. I tried running the sample project with 3 different Android versions: Android 6, Android 9 and Android 10. So far only the sample app installed on the Android 10 device managed to output scan results. I have also tested the Android 6 and Android 9 devices with other BLE apps to confirm that the BLE is not faulty. Has the library been tested with pre-Android10 devices before?

    opened by NoelChew 5
  • No device scanned

    No device scanned

    2021-06-04 10:50:14.666 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/MainActivity: Setting bluetooth manager up... 2021-06-04 10:50:14.684 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Checking App bluetooth permissions... 2021-06-04 10:50:14.684 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/HwPartMagicWindowFactory: add android.common.HwPartMagicWindowFactoryImpl to memory. 2021-06-04 10:50:14.684 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: All permissions granted! 2021-06-04 10:50:14.684 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Checking bluetooth adapter state... 2021-06-04 10:50:14.685 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Checking location services state... 2021-06-04 10:50:14.691 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/HwPartPowerOfficeFactory: add HwPartPowerOfficeFactoryImpl to memory. 2021-06-04 10:50:14.697 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/InputEventReceiver: dispatchInputInterval 1000000 2021-06-04 10:50:14.714 12002-12053/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/HiTouch_PressGestureDetector: onAttached, package=quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble, windowType=1, mHiTouchRestricted=false 2021-06-04 10:50:14.721 12002-12047/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/FrameFlow: FrameFlowInit app is not supported by frameflow solution 2021-06-04 10:50:14.721 12002-12047/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/iGraphics: [0020080c] pn: quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble, p: 12002 2021-06-04 10:50:14.721 12002-12047/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/iGraphics: [0030080c] no spt app: quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble 2021-06-04 10:50:14.729 12002-12047/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 2021-06-04 10:50:14.732 12002-12047/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble W/Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 2021-06-04 10:50:14.742 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/HwViewRootImpl: removeInvalidNode jank list is null 2021-06-04 10:50:14.745 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/RmeSchedManager: init Rme, version is: v1.0 2021-06-04 10:50:14.745 12002-12047/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/OpenGLRenderer: disableOutlineDraw is true 2021-06-04 10:50:14.761 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/DecorView: showOrHideHighlightView: hasFocus=true; winMode=1; isMrgNull=true 2021-06-04 10:50:14.761 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble W/InputMethodManager: startInputReason = 1 2021-06-04 10:50:14.764 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble W/InputMethodManager: startInputReason = 5 2021-06-04 10:50:14.777 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Starting scan... 2021-06-04 10:50:14.777 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 2021-06-04 10:50:14.779 12002-12046/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=9 mScannerId=0 2021-06-04 10:50:14.782 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Scan timeout reached! 2021-06-04 10:50:19.523 12002-12002/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/AwareBitmapCacher: init lrucache size: 2097152 pid=12002 2021-06-04 10:50:24.786 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Stopping scan... 2021-06-04 10:50:24.787 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble I/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 2021-06-04 10:50:24.790 12002-12050/quevedo.soares.leandro.androideasyble D/BluetoothMadeEasy: Scan finished! 0 devices found!

    My Phone

    MODEL: HUAWEI YAL-AL00 SYSTEM: Android 10 API 29

    help wanted 
    opened by D10NGYANG 5
  • Read always return null while observe works as intended

    Read always return null while observe works as intended

    Hi, I'm trying to use this to make a simple app to get heartbeat and step values from a mi band 6,

    However when i use ble.scanforasync to find and connect to the device, i find that i could only get data from notifiable characteristics like heart rate whenever they changed value , but when i try to use on characteristics that is readable like device name , i always gets a null, is there something i missed or something else i should do?

    opened by JouleGit 4
  • Duplicate Location Service Enabling Prompt on Android 12 Device

    Duplicate Location Service Enabling Prompt on Android 12 Device

    Prompt to enable location service is shown twice on Android 12 devices. Clicking "OK" twice will cause app to crash.

    Steps to reproduce crash:

    1. Disable device Location Service
    2. Disable Bluetooth
    3. Kill app
    4. Start app
    5. Enable Bluetooth
    6. Click "OK" to enable Location Service
    7. Click "OK" to enable Location Service (again)

    Logcat: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=598333496, result=-1, data=Intent { (has extras) }} to activity {quevedo.soares.leandro.blemadeeasy/quevedo.soares.leandro.blemadeeasy.view.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already resumed, but proposed with update true

    opened by NoelChew 3
  • 1.5.2 build error

    1.5.2 build error

    I am unable to use the 1.5.2 update since the build has an error.

    if someone encounters the error Failed to resolve: com.github.LeandroSQ:android-ble-made-easy:v1.5.2 Just use the 1.5.1 update using

    dependencies {
        // ...
        implementation 'com.github.LeandroSQ:android-ble-made-easy:v1.5.1'
    bug good first issue 
    opened by Stallos11 2
  • Using this library with Bottom Navigation

    Using this library with Bottom Navigation


    I've currently worked through you example and have been able to incorporate the scan and connect functionality into my app. I am currently using a bottom Navigation app structure, where one of my bottom menu items takes the user to a fragment that allows them to set up the connection and separate bottom menu items are different fragments where data can be sent. I've tried to setup the connection variable of type BluetoothConnection in my shared viewModel. However, whenever I navigate to a new fragment to send data, the connection variable pulled from the shared view model is null.

    Is there an easy way to set this up using a shared view model?

    Thanks! Swarandeep Singh

    help wanted 
    opened by Swarandeep1 2
  • Unable to create main BLE instance

    Unable to create main BLE instance

    I'm unable to create the main ble instance by using the code in the readme: val ble = BLE(activity = this) Android Studio cannot find the class and prompts me to create one instead of importing your library

    I have the library imported in my app build.gradle: implementation 'com.github.LeandroSQ:android-ble-made-easy:v1.4.0'

    and jitpack included in the maven repositories options: maven { url '' }

    Your library looks super simple and easy to integrate, so I'm hoping I don't have to switch away simply because I can't get it to install

    help wanted 
    opened by trylaarsdam 2
  • Remove ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION for Android 11

    Remove ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION for Android 11

    • location permission prompt will only appear for Android 11 after removing ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION
    • additional notes:
      • ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION should only be included (for Android 10 devices) if the app is scanning for BLE devices in Foreground Service
      • ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission is not required if app scans for BLE devices in Activity
    opened by NoelChew 1
  • Is ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission really needed?

    Is ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission really needed?

    Hi, Would not be better to remove this permission (ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION) from the manifest file ?

    Without ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission, the scanning works. According to Google doc BACKGROUND PERMISSION if ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION is not relevant, it can be removed.


    opened by dononcharles 0
  • v1.8.0(Dec 22, 2022)

    Breaking changes

    • is now either suspendable or async with callbacks



    • refactor: Better UI for the sample app
    • fix: #13 and #22
    • fix: #18
    • fix: #20
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.0(Nov 3, 2022)

  • v1.6.0(Jun 13, 2022)

    Breaking changes

    Renamed packages from "androideasyble" to "blemadeeasy"



    • Better default settings for Android 12+
    • Fixed dokka documentation
    • Added 'onUpdate' listener for scan methods
    • Added 'flushPendingScanResults' for flushing previous results
    • Removed 'suspend'from async methods, no need to be using coroutines when calling these, since they already do this automatically

    Sample App

    • Migrated to ViewBinding on the Sample App
    • Fixed bug when trying to update UI in another Thread
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.2(Nov 12, 2021)

  • v1.5.1(Nov 9, 2021)

  • v1.5.0(Nov 8, 2021)


    • Android 11 support
    • Android 12 support
    • Improved scan device discovery
    • fix: Updates not triggering for RSSI changes
    • Replaced GlobalScope with caller Activity/Fragment lifecycleScope
    • Replaced navigation constants with Navigation safe args generated classes

    Example app

    • Code refactoring
    • Migrated to view-binding
    • Migrated to list-adapter
    • Better visuals
    • Dark theme
    • Reactive updates for RSSI measurement
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Feb 28, 2021)

Leandro SQ
I'm passionate about technology
Leandro SQ
An Android library that solves a lot of Android's Bluetooth Low Energy problems

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