The purpose is to share the Internet capability of one device to the entire Bluetooth LAN.
To make a prototype of a soft bus, or actually, I want my Android phone, iOS phone, ESP32 and these (any device I can think of anyway) to share my Mac's network. I'll start with bluetooth, and I'll connect all the things that can be connected a whole new network. In this new network, the ability to share (such as this device has bluetooth, that device has wifi, another device has a mic, do you want to use each other's capabilities) it is a bit abstract, and I'm still at the first layer.
App Architecture
The project is layered traditionally with a View, Presentation, Model separation and presents a MVI inspired from Yusuf Ceylan's architecture but adapted to Compose.
Architecture layers:
- View - Composable screens that consume state, apply effects and delegate events.
- ViewModel - AAC ViewModel that manages and reduces the state of the corresponding screen. Additionally, it intercepts UI events and produces side-effects. The ViewModel lifecycle scope is tied to the corresponding screen composable.
- Model - Repository classes that retrieve data. In a clean architecture context, one should use use-cases that tap into repositories.
- BlueTooth BLE 之 Central 与 Peripheral
Andorid 5.0 之前是无法进行 外围设备开发的,在Android 5.0 API 21 android.bluetooth.le包下, 新增加 Scaner相关类和 Advertiser 相关类。目前最后使用Scanner相关类实现蓝牙扫描。这段时间对蓝牙的学习与理解,对中心设备与周边设备做下面总结
- Android BLE 周边设备 (Peripheral)可以通过 Advertiser 相关类实现操作;
- Android BLE 中心设备 (Central)可以通过 Scanner相关类实现蓝牙扫描;
- Android BLE 建立中心连接的时候,使用 BlueToothDevice#connectGatt() 实现