An Android application to analyse your notification history.


Notification Analyser

An Android application to analyse your notification history. It shows the number of received notifications during the day and the distribution across each application. An overview per day, week or month is available.

This application is available in the Google Play Store.

Special thanks to Phillip J. for the amazing charting library used in this project: MPAndroidChart.


This repository is under the MIT license, have a look at the LICENSE file.

  • Crashes on Android 4.4.4 running on intel processor

    Crashes on Android 4.4.4 running on intel processor

    I have a custom build of android 4.4.4 running on my intel laptop. I downloaded Notification Analyser from F-droid market and it got installed successfully but crashes on lauching main activity.

    opened by hj91 3
  • Possible fix to issue #3 (days tab)

    Possible fix to issue #3 (days tab)

    Possible fix to issue #3 (days tab). Will apply same fix to weeks and months if days solution is acceptable. Slight update to DemoDataGenerator to allow for blank days.

    opened by ias0nas 3
  • Renamed folder

    Renamed folder "Models" to "models"

    First time using GitHub but I believe I got the forking and pulling right.

    It's just a rename of folder, the latest Android Studio seems to complain about the case of the Models folder because it's lower case in code and uppercase on the filesystem.


    opened by ias0nas 1
  • Chart skips days/weeks/month with no notifications.

    Chart skips days/weeks/month with no notifications.

    If there is a day with no notifications, the charts doesn't reserve space for this day.

    The same goes for weeks and months, but this is less likely to happen.

    opened by MPieter 1
  • Chart items

    Chart items

    Depending on the size of the display, the items displayed on the chart should change.

    In this way the large displays of tables are used more efficient.

    opened by MPieter 0
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