Avengers Chat
AvengersChat is a demo application based on modern Android tech stacks and Stream Chat SDK.
Go to the Releases to download the latest APK.
Stream Chat SDK
AvengersChat has been built with Stream Chat SDK for implementing messaging systems.
- Chat Messaging Tutorial - Basic tutorials for getting started by building a simple messaging app.
- Stream Chat Android repository - Official Android SDK for Stream Chat.
- Chat Client Documentation - Full documentation of the Chat client for requesting API calls.
- UI Components Documentation - Full documentation of the Stream UI Components.
- UI Components Sample - Official sample app for building messaging app.
Tech stack & Open source libraries
- Minimum SDK level 21.
- 100% Kotlin based + Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous.
- Hilt for dependency injection.
- JetPack
- Lifecycle - dispose observing data when lifecycle state changes.
- ViewModel - UI related data holder, lifecycle aware.
- Room Persistence - construct database.
- App Startup - Provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at application startup.
- Architecture
- MVVM Architecture (View - DataBinding - ViewModel - Model)
- Bindables - Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes to UI layers.
- Repository pattern
- Material Design & Animations - Design system created by Google to help teams build high-quality digital experiences.
- Retrofit2 & OkHttp3 - Construct the REST APIs and paging network data.
- Sandwich - Construct lightweight http API response and handling error responses.
- Moshi - A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java.
- Coil - Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
- TransformationLayout - implementing transformation motion animations.
- android-youtube-player - YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
- DiscreteScrollView - Implementing a scrollable list of items.
- Timber - Logging.
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