Fire Chat
A one-to-one chat app (similar to WhatsApp) built using Kotlin and Firebase.
Whenever a user will enter the app a registration page will be visible, where the user can register himself. If the person already have an account he/she can directly go to the login page by clicking 'already a user' TextView on the Registration page.
After successful registration user will see a latest message activity where the list of users with latest messages will be shown. On the top right corner of this activity user can see a Logout button which on clicking will take user back to the registration screen. Also there is a New message button just left to the Logout button which on clicking will take you to the New Message Activity, where user can see all the registered users.
On clicking any of the user the current user/logged-in user will be able to chat with clicked user, easily.
Libraries used:
Firebase Authentication
Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Cloud Storage