Quick start with the Google Maps Android API
Please note: This repository is not currently maintained, and is kept for historical purpose only. You can find an up to date tutorial here: https://g
🦁 A Disney app using transformation motions based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, Flow, LiveData, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
DisneyMotions A demo Disney app using transformation motions based on MVVM architecture. The motion system is included in the 1.2.0-alpha05 released m
🛡️ Android security (camera/microphone dots indicators) app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack based on MVVM architecture.
🛡️ Android security app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Paging, Security, Biometrics, Start-up) based on MVVM architecture.
A simple Pokedex App getting API with Retrofit, maintaining data using LiveData, and Material Design based on MVVM architecture
PokedexApp Pokedex A simple Pokedex App getting API with Retrofit, maintaining data using LiveData, and Material Design based on MVVM architecture. Te
A movies application built Using clean architecture and MVVM (Model-view-viewModel).
Movies-App This is a movies application which fecthes upcoming and popular movies from the movie Database(TMBD). It is built Using clean architecture