374 Repositories
Android room-database Libraries
Demo for Jetbrains webinar on "How to share data layer in KMM"
RealmDemo Demo application demostrating how to share data layer in an KMM project using Realm Kotlin SDK and Atlas App Service. Webinar Link : https:/
An Android instance app for working with Google Map, Kotlin
map-instance-app A map instance app for seeing the current position of the user and saving that in the database and showing a list of saved locations.
SurrealDB Kotlin implementation.
Kotlin Surreal Database API KSDB | by Necrosis SurrealDB framework for Kotlin Documentation · Report Bug · Request Feature 📔 Table of Contents 📔 Tab
Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer
Movies-TMDB Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer Movies-TMDB Android Movies-T
Shit Chat is a realtime chat application made with Kotlin.
Shit Chat Shit Chat is a realtime chat application made with Kotlin. Screeshots : Login UI Sign Up UI User List UI Chat UI Features Store Chat on Fire
This is a Interview application which made by me in interview task what it do? that will give you the result from Api and also save data in the cache using RoomDb so that we can access it offline.
Clean-MVVM-App An Android application built using Clean + MVVM architecture. Components used in the app. Kotlin - As a programming language. Material
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.You can search news on any topic.Used all latest stuffs in android like Navigation Component, MVVM Architecture, Retrofit, Room DataBase, Kotlin Corutines etc
Android Room with a View - Java
Android Room with a View - Java This code used Room in a database-backed app. You'll create the data layer for an app that tracks Product, and you'll
Simple app to consumer api movies with retrofit and save result in database with room using android jetpack
MoviesCompose Simple app to consumer api movies with retrofit and save result in database with room using android jetpack Instruccions Log Up in https
National Keyboard National Keyboard is a small keyboard for Caucasian languages based on modern Android tech-stacks especially focus on Jetpack Compos
Math Your Brain is a math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture
Math Your Brain is a math game built using Jetpack Compose and Modern MVVM Architecture. I built this so that programmers learning Jetpack Compose Can use this repository as a learning material for Jetpack Compose.
简明易用框架,解决 MVI 实战痛点
🌏 English README 研发故事:《解决 MVI 架构实战痛点》 上期《Jetpack 架构组件设计拆解及改善建议》侧重拆解 “领域层” 设计误区,并给出改善建议 —— 通过 MVI-Dispatcher 承担 Event-Handler, 然有小伙伴表示,不仅要 MVI-Dispatc
This app features - Modern Design, MVVM, Hilt, Room, StateFlow, Jetpack Compose
MyMusic is a beautiful app showing how to build modern looking interfaces using Jetpack Compose, recommended libraries, best practices and architectur
E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB.
E-Commerce-App E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB. API Link Project Features MVVM with
This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin and currently under development
FOODONOR This is a food donation android application designed to reduce food wastage by donating excess food to poor or needy people. Based on Kotlin
A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🎬 Movie App 📺 A movie & TV show exploration app that implements MVVM design pattern by following the clean architecture principles, using TMDB API.
🚀 Stock Market App / See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose.
🚀 Stock Market App 🚀 Preview 👀 ✨ See listed companies and details with Jetpack Compose ✨ 📚 Libraries Retrofit2 Open CSV Compose Destinations Dagge
IMovie IMovie is a is a sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development. The goal of the project is to combine popul
An Android base project building on MVVM Architecture Pattern. This can help you build new apps faster
MVVM Explanation If you can't imagine what is MVVM, please read my medium article here first. It can fully explain the revolution of Software architec
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,SharedFlow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
RickMorty This is a simple app which has been implemented using Clean Architecture alongside MVVM design to run (online/offline) using : [ MVVM ,Hilt
EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users can search courses from different categories and get real-time results from the api using Chips for a smooth filtering experience. It has different theme for dark mode.
EduApp EduApp is a mini e-learning platform based on udemy's public api. It has 4 main navigation destinations (Home, Search, Wishlist, Cart). Users c
Movies App represent a list of movies, list of categories, search about movie and Save movie in Room Database
What is this project? Movies App represent a list of movies, list of categories, search about movie and Save movie in Room Database Main Features Kotl
This is an android app using which users can chat to people nearby them with help of Bluetooth.
This is an android app using which users can chat to people nearby them with help of Bluetooth. This app is developed in Kotlin programming language. It is still in its early stages of development and currently let user to one-person-one-time chat at a time. It is under heavy development 😅😅
To Do List App is built in Kotlin using Material 3, Data Binding, Navigation Component Graphs, Room persistence library, Kotlin coroutines, LiveData, Dagger Hilt, and Notifications following MVVM Architecture.
ToDoListApp ToDoList App demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, LiveData, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material 3 Design bas
RX-based async paradigm, Room, DI (Hilt), Retrofit, MVVM, Jetpack, Lottie, Transitions
CatBreedsApp RxJava, Room, DI (Hilt), Jetpack, Shared element transition. clean MVVM architecture, Retrofit Cats need your help, we want to build an a
An small android app based on banking logic, usilng SQLITE as database, material design, navigation drawer implemented
Android Banking App Project - Using Sqlite The Banking app using java in android studio and sqlite for crud. Packages Used Material Design Contributin
Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android.
Cinemax Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android. Build Generate an API key from The Movie Database. Put the key in the local.properties
Asteroid radar app -Second Project from Udacity Advanced Android Development Kotlin Nanodegree
Asteroid radar app Using open-source Nasa Api Asteroid Radar is an app to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth, you can view all t
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast Receiver.
Worker Notification Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
Pref-DB - Android SharedPreferences alternative library
Pref-DB Android SharedPreferences alternative library.
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details.
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details. Built to learn and use of Latest Android development libs using Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Guideline)
Clean Android multi-module offline-first scalable app in 2022. Including Jetpack Compose, MVI, Kotlin coroutines/Flow, Kotlin serialization, Hilt and Room.
Android Kotlin starter project - 2022 edition Android starter project, described precisely in this article. Purpose To show good practices using Kotli
Educational App made with Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Component, Room, Dagger Hilt, Flow & Material Motion Animations.
TechHub TechHub is a sample educational app that provides courses for people who want to learn new skills in mostly tech-related areas. The goal of th
A food recipes App Built with Jetpack Compose
A food recipes App Built with Jetpack Compose . The app uses room for local caching to facilitate offline support and follows the MVVM Clean Architectural pattern
Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel)
Kotlin Order Food Application Build With Kotlin MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) Clean Architecture, MSSQL API, Beautiful Design UI, Smooth Animations Using Tools And Components Supported By Google And By Most Of The Android Development Community
PokeCard Compose is a demo app 100% write in Compose, Flow and Koin based on MVI Clean Architecture 🐱⚡️
A Pokemon Card demo app using Jetpack Compose and Koin based on MVI architecture. Fetching data from the network with Ktor and integrating persisted data in Room database with usecase/repository pattern.
An application that i developed with a aim of learning Jetpack compose and many other jetpack libraries
An application that i developed with a aim of learning Jetpack compose and many other jetpack libraries, The application make use of jikan Api which displays a list of animations,there more details and even trailers of the animations.
CryptoMovies is a small app that show modern Android developement: with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack and Material Design 3
CryptoMovies is a small app that show modern Android developement: with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack and Material Design 3.
RoomJetpackCompose is an app written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Kotlin Flow in clean architecture.
RoomJetpackCompose is an app written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Kotlin Flow in clean architecture.
This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course.
fullAndroidCourseClassC This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course. `//Dependencies dependencies { //Kotlin implementation "o
This application is purpose to help user to get hotel recommendations.
This repository is the Capstone Project in Bangkit Academy 2022. This application is purpose to help user to get hotel recommendations.
An amazing expense tracker app, with great features and beautiful UI. Check it out!
My Expense Tracker Expense tracker app to keep your finances in order. Built entirely in Kotlin using modern architecture components. Build 🏗️ My Exp
🛒 Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Jetpack Compose based on MVVM architecture.
Meli Clone 🛒 Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Jetpack Compose based on
ToDo App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do
ToDo App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. It is helpful in planning our daily schedules.
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM, LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component, Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
Ecormmerce app built using Android latest UI framework - Compose UI and data coming from Fake Store API
BuyCart 🛒 Android shopping app built with Jetpack Compose consuming FAKE STORE API I am trying to learn and follow some standard Android architecture
Task Manager feat. real-time competitive system and user engagement
Dira Что из себя представляет Dira? Android-приложение Directa (сокр. Dira) - это планер, который способен улучшить жизнь пользователей. Он позволяет
🍿 A TV Showcase App using Jetpack libs and MVVM arch. Data provided by TV Maze API
TV Showcase A TV Showcase 🍿 Android App using Jetpack libraries and MVVM architecture. Data provided by TVMaze API. Release 🚀 Download here See how
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries
Simple Notes app, MVVM with Google Architectural components Room database, LiveData and ViewModel. Written in Kotlin using androidx libraries. Implemented Firebase Auth and Database, and used Room database
Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design.
Quiz Zone Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design. You can Install and test Quiz Zone
A personal project made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM architecture and other jetpack libraries
A basic CRUD for recording your personal credit and debit transactions. Made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM and other Jetpack libraries, incorporated with Unit Tests.
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component 💡 What is Clean Architecture? Clean architecture is a category of software design patter
🚀 🥳 MVVM based sample currency converter application using Room, Koin, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutine
Currency Converter A demo currency converter app using Modern Android App Development techniques Tech stack & Open-source libraries Minimum SDK level
The Movie Database Example
This is a sample application that build with combine use Clean Architecture framework and Movie Database API for request and showing the information
Android Application that let users select 2 currencies with the amount to convert
Currency Converter Android Application that let users select 2 currencies with the amount to convert and have Historical data for 2 currencies of thei
Room Database Queries with Kotlin Flow
Room Database Queries with Flow This app displays a list of bus stops and arrival times. Tapping a bus stop on the first screen will display a list of
FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
This repository contains a FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
An App based on MVVM architecture to track & store a user's runs using Google Maps, with options to view & sort the runs as per the user's choice along the with option to run the app in background.
An App based on MVVM architecture to track & store a user's runs using Google Maps, with options to view & sort the runs as per the user's choice along the with option to run the app in background.
An app with implementation of Room database for Android platform
Room Room An app with implementation of Room database for Android platform The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to a
Simple FOSS android app to help you plan and manage your savings goals easily and establish the habit of saving money.
GreenStash GreenStash is a simple FOSS android app to help you plan and manage your savings goals easily and establish the habit of saving money. 🤙 S
An E-Commerce android App whose frontend is implemented using Kotlin & XML files and backend/database is implemented using My SQL & PHP files
An E-Commerce android App whose frontend is implemented using Kotlin & XML files and backend/database is implemented using My SQL & PHP files
A sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Room, Coil, Retrofit, Moshi, Leak Canary and Repository pattern
Jetpack-Compose-Boilerplate This repository contains a sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Room, Coil, Re
🎑 Up to date IANA timezone database library for Kotlin (JVM, JS, Native)
🎑 IANA Timezone Library for Kotlin Multiplatform Up to date IANA timezone database library for Kotlin (JVM, JS, Native) Usage import org.noelware.ian
Alternative to DreamStorageService, but instead of storing files on a database, it is stored on the file system itself.
EtherealGambi Alternative to DreamStorageService, but instead of storing files on a database, it is stored on the file system itself. I made this beca
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list. It is built upon the new Maaterial 3 UI components with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components.
A quiz app built with trivia api. This app was built with mvvm architecture, dagger-hilt, retrofit, room database, and navigation components.
A quiz app built with trivia api. This app was built with mvvm architecture, dagger-hilt, retrofit, room database, and navigation components.
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Mobile Banking Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cach
A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture.
Kotlin-MVVM-Hilt A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture. Im
Sample app for tutorial: Pagination in Android Room Database using the Paging 3 Library
Demo Implementation of Paging 3 with Room DB Read the article. Demo implementation of Pagination in an Android Room Database using the Paging 3 Librar
Android Clean Architechture with MVVM, LiveData, Coroutine, Dagger Hilt, Room, DataStore
MovKu An application that displays a list of popular movies and detail Concepts Tech Stack Kotlin -A modern programming language that makes developers
A movies application built Using clean architecture and MVVM (Model-view-viewModel).
Movies-App This is a movies application which fecthes upcoming and popular movies from the movie Database(TMBD). It is built Using clean architecture
To learn how to build an e-commerce app for Android using the Firestore database from Google Firebase Technology
It is an adjustable e-commerce application that you can use to create your own online store or use it as a template to create an e-commerce app for your client. In this app we are covering such topics as Firebase basics how to upload and download data to and from an online database Displaying Images from the Cloud Creating User Profiles Uploading and displaying Products Building a Cart System Selecting images from your phone
A sample app that shows how to easily encrypt the room database in an Android app
A sample app that shows how to easily encrypt the room database in an Android app. The password used for encryption is generated on the first use and saved in the Android EncryptedSharedPreferences.
Pling is a mobile project management application
Pling is a mobile project management application. This application was developed as part of the “Embedded Interface Programming” course. Pling should include all the necessary and minimal features for planning a project, such as creating a project, adding tasks and monitoring progress.
Note-taking Android App
NOTEDGE Note-taking Android app Website » Download » Tech Stack Appcompat Material Design Room RecyclerView RecyclerView Animators Lifecycle Rounded I
Kotlin Multiplaform version of this app can be found here: Thinkrchive-Mutliplatform
🏛 ThinkRchive Light Dark An app showing all details for various Lenovo Thinkpad models. Made to try out Jepack Compose for Android. Kotlin Multiplafo
AudioNotes 📙 An open source simple audio note taking app built to demonstrate android development best practices.
AudioNotes 📙 A simple open source audio note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. 🏗 . Made w
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel)
Book selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), ViewPager2 in TabLayout, SearchView, Vertical Adapter(BestSellers) and Horizontal Adapter(All Books) with ConcatAdapter for Main Screen, Firebase Auth, SearchView in Adapter, Picasso, Lottie, Animated Svg for Splash
App built using Kotlin, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Glance, WorkManager, Coil etc.
An article sharing platform where you can personalize, subscribe to your favorite topics, get daily-read reminders, etc. App built using Kotlin, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Glance, WorkManager, Coil etc.
Firebase Authentication and realtime database implementation in Android Kotlin
Androidfirebaseauthentication Firebase is Google’s mobile platform that helps you develop high-quality apps and provides hosted backend services such
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms
End-to-End Encrypted Chat 🔒 Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms Built With ⚒️ Jetpack C
In this project, I tried to understand and implement the architecture suggested by Android.
Shopping App Bu projede, Android'in önerdiği modern mimariyi anlamaya ve uygulamaya çalıştım. Projede kullandığım teknolojiler, Room Retrofit Coroutin
A clone of Instagram I made with Firebase.
InstagramClone In this project, I made an Instagram clone. I used firebase auth, firestore database and storage, I wrote it according to mvvm architec
Utility library that utilizes KSP to generate Room type converter classes.
Roomie Roomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to geaRoomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to generate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often involve same boiler-plate code and Roomie makes it really easy to quickly create them with a single annotation.nerate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often invol
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Hangman Game for Android build with Compose
Hangman Game for Android build with Compose. Built with jetpack components, Room for saving game history, preferences for loading game settings, ViewModels for persisting game state, LiveData/States for observing states, Koin for DI, minimal compose animations for good UX, Light/Dark theme :rainbow: MD3.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥. Quizzify is built using Kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely.
Digital Tijori 🔒 Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, Flow, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
👨💻 A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API. ✈️ 🌍
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API.
A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase
BlogCompose A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase Instructions Download your Firebase configuration fil
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github
GithubUserApps is an application that can Search and Displaying the details of a User github. this apps is written in Kotlin with MVVM Architecture, RXJava3, Kotlin Coroutines, ROOM Database, Retrofit, and Data Store Preferences to saving the Dark/Light Theme Key-Value.
PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills recommended by Google.
PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills recommended by Google.
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
Simple Login using firebase and compose views
SimpleLogin Project name: SimpleLogin Android Develop in android over MVVM, Kotlin, Compose. Package Structure com.anelcc.SimpleLogin # Root Pack
AppToDo is a simple Android project that performs the basic database CRUD operations that creates a todo task list
AppToDo is a simple Android project that performs the basic database CRUD operations that creates a todo task list