A Pokemon Card demo app using Jetpack Compose and Koin based on MVI architecture. Fetching data from the network with Ktor and integrating persisted data in Room database with usecase/repository pattern.
Libraries & Tech Stack
- Language: Kotlin
- Asynchronous: Flow
- Dependencies Injection: Koin KSP
- Android Jetpack:
- UI: Compose
- Lifecycle: ViewModel
- Navigation: Navigation
- Database: Room
- Webservices: Ktor
- Load Images: Coil
- Debug: Chucker
- Testing: JUnit / Mockito
If you want a more complete version of the application to manage your collection you can download PkVintage.
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Contents Credits
All copyrights of the contents, concepts, and phrases used for this open-source project belong to The Pokemon Company.
PokeCardCompose by Lopez Mikhael is licensed under a Apache License 2.0.