Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture


Android Random Person Demo

Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Dagger / Hilt Dependency Injection, Room Database and Retrofit API Calls

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Technologies Used

Table Of Content


  • build.gradle - root gradle config file
  • settings.gradle - root gradle settings file
  • app - our only project in this repo
  • app/build.gradle - project gradle config file
  • app/src - main project source directory
  • app/src/main - main project flavour
  • app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml - manifest file
  • app/src/main/java - java source directory
  • app/src/main/res - resources directory
  • app/src/androidTest - instrumented test source directory




Dependency Version License
Kotlin 1.6.20 Apache
Live Data 2.4.1 Apache 2.0
ViewModel 2.4.1 Apache 2.0
Navigation 2.4.1 Apache 2.0
Room 2.4.2 Apache 2.0
Retrofit 2.9.0 Apache 2.0
Coil 2.0.0-rc02 Apache 2.0
Hilt 2.41 Apache 2.0
Constraint Layout 2.1.3 Apache 2.0
About Page 2.0.0 MIT

Building Application

It is recommended that you run Gradle with the --daemon option, as starting up the tool from scratch often takes at least a few seconds. You can kill the java process that it leaves running once you are done running your commands.

Tasks work much like Make targets, so you may concatenate them. Tasks are not re-done if multiple targets in a single command require them. For example, running assemble install will not compile the apk twice even though install depends on assemble.


gradle clean


This compiles a debugging apk in build/outputs/apk/ signed with a debug key, ready to be installed for testing purposes.

gradle assembleDebug

You can also install it on your attached device:

gradle installDebug


This compiles an unsigned release (non-debugging) apk in build/outputs/apk/. It's not signed, you must sign it before it can be installed by any users.

gradle assembleRelease


Were you to add automated java tests, you could configure them in your build.gradle file and run them within gradle as well.

gradle test


This analyses the code and produces reports containing warnings about your application in build/outputs/lint/.

gradle lint


In order to contribute to this project please see the contributing guidelines


This project is release under GNU GPLv3 License


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  • 1.0.0(Apr 6, 2022)

    • Initial Release

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