An small android app based on banking logic, usilng SQLITE as database, material design, navigation drawer implemented


Android Banking App Project - Using Sqlite

The Banking app using java in android studio and sqlite for crud.

Packages Used

Material Design


Thank you for considering contributing to the Banking App Project! Issues

  • More beautification is possible
  • Admin dashboard can be built properly
  • More options can be added. And many more.

Contribution Guideline

  • Fork the repo.
  • Clone the repo.
  • Run git checkout dev
  • Create a new local branch
  • Work on your local branch
  • Push to remote
  • When work is tested, done or ready, push to remote
  • Merge


This Banking App Project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Demo Screenshots

bank app login

bank app sqlite

android app sqlite

android app sqlite

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