Simple Login using firebase and compose views



Project name: SimpleLogin


Develop in android over MVVM, Kotlin, Compose.

Package Structure

com.anelcc.SimpleLogin      # Root Package
├── data               # Model classes,
│   │── Event          # Compose Screen
│   └── UserData       # info of the user in the model
├── Main               # Main screen in the app
│   └── Home           # Compose Screen
├── ui                 # Themes and resources
│   └── theme          # Compose UI theme
├── view               # Views
│   └── theme          # Compose UI theme
│       ├──auth                # Compose UI ,
│       │   │── Login          # Compose Screen
│       │   └── Singup         # Compose Screen
│       │
│       ├── Main               # Main screen in the app
│       │   │── Home           # Compose Screen
│       │   └── MainCommons    # utils 
├── HiltModule                  # Modules
└── SimpleLoginApplication.kt   # name application

Preview 🎉

Library References

  1. Android Components Navigation Read here
  2. Kotlin Read here
  3. Jetpack Read here
  4. Compose Read here
  5. MVVM Read here
  6. View Models Read here
  7. DataModel Read here
  8. DataModel Read here
  9. Firebase Android Read here
  10. Firebase Android Read here
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Anel CC
I have a degree in Computer System Engineer, I'm passionate about New Technologies, Smartphone, Wearables, etc. I'm Mobile Developer with 8 years experiences .
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