The Kotlin Android application using Google Firebase
View here.
General Information
- The application is a chat messenger.
- The app uses registeration by password/emai.
- My app allows people to communicate with each other without any restrictions (technical limitations do not count :) )
Technologies Used
- IDE: Android Studio
- Language: Kotlin
- Other instruments:
- Google Firebase
- jUnit
Project Status
Project is: in progress
Room for Improvement
Room for improvement:
- The chatting process needs improvement
- The authentication process needs improvement
To do:
- other authentication options will be added (e.g., through a GitHub or Google account)
- add the ability to send gifs/photos
- voice recording
Also offer your ideas in the https://github.com/michigang1/michat/discussions
- This project was inspired by my lecturer Timur Shemsedinov
Created by Michael Chirozidi - my telegram - feel free to contact me!