Parallax everywhere is a library with alternative android widgets with parallax effects.


Parallax Everywhere#

Android Arsenal

Parallax everywhere (PEW) is a library with alternative android views using parallax effects.


You can try the demo app on google play.

Views with effect?

Android view PEW view
ImageView PEWImageView
TextView PEWTextView

How it works?

  • Any parallax views (PEW*) needs to be inside a view with scroll events, ej: scrollView, listView, gridView....
  • Parallax effect on views will be related to its position on device screen.
  • Parallax effect in ImageView is calculated with left image in Scale mode centerCrop, centerInside or center. You can't make more parallax effect.
  • Parallax effect in no image views needs a size parallax parameter (read: Attributes)

Show me the code

Gradle dependencies:

compile 'com.fmsirvent:parallaxeverywhere:1.0.4'

Code in layout:

  <!-- add on top parent layout: xmlns:pew="" -->


            android:src="@drawable/alicante_explanada" />

            pew:reverse="reverseY" />



-dontwarn com.fmsirvent.ParallaxEverywhere.**



  • reverse = ["none", "reverseX", "reverseY", "reverseBoth"] Change the direction of parallax effect. Default value "none".

  • block_parallax_x and block_parallax_y = "boolean" Blocks parallax effect. Default value false.

  • interpolation = ["linear", "accelerate_decelerate", "accelerate", "anticipate", "anticipate_overshoot", "bounce", "decelerate", "overshoot"] Animation interpolation. Default value "linear".

  • update_onDraw = = "boolean" Experimental attribute: update the parallax effect on draw event. Try if the parents don't has scroll. Now only works on +API:16 (Jelly bean). Default value false.

Only: no image PEW

  • parallax_x and parallax_y = "dimension" In non widgets images is necessary specify the size of parallax effect. The size will be split in half for each side. Default value 0.


ParallaxEverywhere is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • PEWImageView to minSdkVersion=7

    PEWImageView to minSdkVersion=7

    Hi, this is my simple modification to port PEWImageView to minSdkVersion=7 (I tested it on Gingerbread, API Level 10). I fixed the wrong initialization of listeners: they must be initialized / destroyed on onAttachedToWindow/ onDetachedFromWindow events, not in constructors. If this PR is OK, you can change, in the same way, PEWTextView. Bye

    opened by alexodus 7
  • When PEWImageView is used as a item in RecyclerView or ListView with fixed image height

    When PEWImageView is used as a item in RecyclerView or ListView with fixed image height

    The problem is when PEWImageView is included as a list item in RecyclerView or ListView with fixed PEWImageView layout_height say 200dp and a loading image is placed on the ImageView till the image is loaded from server, and we are using parallax_y for animating PEWIMAGE items vertically ..

    Then if the image that came from server has higher width and less height,i.e. the bitmap when placed in the imageView will leave some empty space in vertical direction..

    Then in that case, the 'scrollSpaceY' instance variable of PEWImageView class is 0. But since earlier the placeholder image was present, the view has already been scrolled to some non zero value but now the view should be scrolled back to 0 since the scrollSpaceY value is zero now

    Calling invalidate() or requestLayout() do not make any difference I have tried all of them.

    The solution is checking for 'scrollSpaceY' in applyParallax() method. If this variable is non zero, perform scrolling on view But if this is zero, reset view scroll to 0 to remove changes made on the view due to the placeholder image...Since placeholder image was big enough to make view scroll.

    opened by ashishg656 3
  • aar manifest causing headaches

    aar manifest causing headaches

    the lib includes an unnecessary <application> tag in its AndroidManifest.xml and its children are confusing my build

    [warn] <projectdir>/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:12:9 Error:
    [warn]  Attribute application@icon value=(@drawable/android:star_big_on) from AndroidManifest.xml:12:9
    [warn]  is also present at <projectdir>/target/aars/com.fmsirvent-parallaxeverywhere-1.0.1:11:9 value=(@drawable/ic_launcher)
    [warn]  Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:icon"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:10:5 to override
    [warn] <projectdir>/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:11:9 Error:
    [warn]  Attribute application@label value=(Macroid Starter) from AndroidManifest.xml:11:9
    [warn]  is also present at <projectdir>/target/aars/com.fmsirvent-parallaxeverywhere-1.0.1:12:9 value=(@string/app_name)
    [warn]  Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:10:5 to override
    [trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last android:processManifest for the full output.
    [error] (android:processManifest) Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs
    opened by mikelpr 3
  • code-friendly PEWs

    code-friendly PEWs

    I'm writing my app in scala with the macroid dsl for the GUI code but the views weren't code-friendly

    • added interpolator setters
    • set the default interpolator on class init (it was being set by InterpolatorSelector on checkAttributes which isn't called from code at all - this and no setters made it null)
    • made the reverse*, updateOnDraw, blockParallax* and scrollSpace* (for textview) ivars public
    opened by mikelpr 1
  • Not work with fresco when I use setImageUri

    Not work with fresco when I use setImageUri

    Hello, I try to use PEverywhere with SimpleDraweeView and replace "extends ImageView" with "extends SimpleDraweeView" it'll work when I use setImageResouce(int resId) (and I'v override this method in the class, add invalidate() ), but not work with setImageUri(Uri uri),

    plz help!

    opened by HiCubee 0
  • LICENSE file is missed

    LICENSE file is missed

    According to README

    See the LICENSE file for more info.

    there should be LICENSE file.

    Could you please add it or give direct link to an external page? Thanks!

    opened by rgrigoryev 0
  • Parallax effect on PEWImageView inside GridView is unnoticeable

    Parallax effect on PEWImageView inside GridView is unnoticeable

    I'm using PEWImageView in order to add parallax effect to some images inside a GridView, the problem is that the parallax effect on the images is almost unnoticeable.. Is it possible to specify the velocity of the parallax effect? is there any method already defined?

    opened by Signoo 1
  • Not working with RecyclerView?

    Not working with RecyclerView?

    Do you have a sample on how this library works? Specifically with a RecyclerView if possible? I'm adding the PEWImageVIew to my row layout and it's not working.

    Anything I need to add to the view, or is it simply not compatible with a RecyclerView? i'm getting my image from a HTTP call, loading it in, maybe it's that?

    Edit: It seems the PEWTextView works, just not the PEWImageView?

    opened by MiralDesai 7
  • Parallax stops when PEWImageView is set to be a group in an ExpandableListView

    Parallax stops when PEWImageView is set to be a group in an ExpandableListView


    I am inflating a view with a PEWImageView in it. Like this:

    @Override public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) this.currentContext .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

        if (groupPosition == 0){
            Log.d("Inflating: ", "Show Image Parallax");
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.parallax_show_image_layout,null);
            parallaxImageShowView = convertView;
            parallaxImageView = (PEWImageView) convertView.findViewById(;


        android:layout_alignParentStart="true" />

    After the list is scrolled to the bottom or close to the bottom when you scroll back up I noticed that parallax effect stops and the image gets stuck in the position that the interpolator animation moved it after it did the parallax effect as I was scrolling down. It will not act the same way as I scroll up. It does it once and thats it. The only solution is to re-inflate the view when the list is scrolled to the bottom, but that is costly. Can you suggest a solution to this or is it something that I am doing wrong ?

    Thank you.

    opened by arn95 3
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