🐹 .Kotlin microservice to aid slash command creation for Nino.More of this README will be fixed up once the first release is here.
slash-commands is released under the GPL-3.0 License.
🐹 .Kotlin microservice to aid slash command creation for Nino.More of this README will be fixed up once the first release is here.
slash-commands is released under the GPL-3.0 License.
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Readme 4 applications are created: discovery-service: every application register
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This is a library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin. As of 2/15/2022, this library only works in kotlin, but will be expanded to work in Java later (whenever I get bored enough to rewrite an entire code structure in java :/ )
Template to accelerate the creation of new apps using Spring Boot 3, MongoDB & GraphQL.