A custom view for rating which easy to make and use, but function is excellent


ic_star_selected QRatingView

A custom view for rating which easy to make and use, but function is excellent

Effect Picture



    <declare-styleable name="QRatingView">
        <!-- 未选中图片 -->
        <attr name="normalIcon" format="reference"/>
        <!-- 选中图片 -->
        <attr name="selectedIcon" format="reference"/>
        <!-- 自定义评分数量 -->
        <attr name="totalCount" format="integer"/>
        <!-- 选中的个数 -->
        <attr name="selectedCount" format="integer"/>
        <!-- 图案的间隙 -->
        <attr name="gap" format="dimension"/> // Default Size is 5dp
        <!-- 图案的大小 -->
        <attr name="iconSize" format="dimension"/> // Default Size is 25dp
        <!-- 是否可用 不可用时用于仅展示 -->
        <attr name="available" format="boolean"/> // Default value is true


for displaying

You are supposed to set tow properties, available and selectedCount. And available should be set as false. you can use it in .xml

        app:available="false" // if just for displaying ,there are should be false
        app:totalCount="5" />

also it also will be work in java

   main_qrv2.available = false
   main_qrv2.selectedCount = 5

for rating

In this case, we need to set totalCount in .xml and add A selected Lisntener for result

        app:totalCount="5" />
     findViewById<QRatingView>(R.id.qrv_main3).setOnSelectedListener(object :
            QRatingView.OnSelectedListener {
            override fun onSelected(selectedCount: Int) {
                when (selectedCount) {
                //todo any reaction for rating
                    1 -> commence1.text = "很差"
                    2 -> commence1.text = "有待改进"
                    3 -> commence1.text = "还行"
                    4 -> commence1.text = "不错"
                    5 -> commence1.text = "非常可以"


About Me

blog : QCoder
email: 526416248@qq.com

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