This is a small plugin written in Kotlin that runs on all major Minecraft Servers.
The only feature is listing the server as a LanServer in the Multiplayer-Menu of Minecraft.
Supported Servers
- Bukkit/Spigot/Paper 1.8+
- Bungeecord 1.16+
- Sponge 7.2+
- Velocity 3.0.1+
What does it exactly?
The same as the Minecraft Client when you open your world to LAN.
It sends every 1.5 seconds a special message with the server port and MOTD to
on port 4445.
is a Multicast Address which means that everyone in you local network that wants to get messages sent to
will get them like your Minecraft Client when you're in the Multiplayer Menu.
That's all it does so compatibility should not break when updating to newer Server versions.