Will export all your words from LingQ to a tab-separated UTF-8 text file, Html, and Anki.
Here you can find a documentation page. Installation and configuration process is described here with screenshots. Or you can jump right to my daily routine page showing all the steps I do to get words from LingQ to Anki.
The app connects to the LingQ API to download words and sentences definitions. Then it uses Google-translate service to get the sound of the word spoken out loud. And finally, the app fetches images for the words from Google or Bing.
There are certain peculiarities in how LingQ deals with words and sentences. One such annoying peculiarity is removal of letter's case information - all the words and sentences are saved in lowercase format, and it doesn't go well with German language:
– essen (to eat) – das Essen (the food/the eating))
To fix this issue the app searches for the word in a given fragment and tries to restore the original word.
If you want to try the application:
Read the documentation folder
Download the app:, unzip it
Make sure you have Java 11+ installed (download page)
Edit config.ini - add your key and set the language
Run LingQWordsExport_RUN.bat
Review html files with words
Import data to Anki
Once set up, import takes a few minutes.
I tested the application on a Windows 10 machine. There should be no particular problems running it on other platforms, please let me know how it goes for you.
You can run several instances of the app to download audio and images faster (I tried 4 in parallel).
I'm open for suggestions and help. Any feedback is appreciated.
I wish y'all enormous success with language learning!
Sergey Svistunov