Tool to assist in tuning simos ECUs.

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Logger Simos-Logger

Simos Logger

Will use the BLE ISOTP bridge by bri3d to log Simo ECUs

Currently can make connection and log a set of configurable PIDS from the ECU using mode 22 or 3E and saves to .csv using the cruise control button as trigger.

Simple example of logging capability:

PIDs can be modified in the config file including the min/max for realtime display.

Equation list for PID config file
// 0: x
// 1: x * 1000
// 2: (x - 2731.4) / 10.0
// 3: x / 1.28 - 100.0
// 4: x * 6.103515624994278
// 5: x / 128
// 6: x / 4.0
// 7: x * 0.75 - 48.0
// 8: x / 10.0
// 9: x / 100.0
// 10: x / 1000.0
// 11: x / 100000.0
// 12: x / 32
// 13: x / 51.2
// 14: x / 47.18142548596112
// 15: x / 10.24
// 16: x / 1024
// 17: x / 2.4
// 18: x / 200
// 19: x / 347.94711203897007654836464857342
// 20: 100.0 - x / 100.0
// 21: x / 2.66666666666667
// 22: (x - 95.0f) / 2.66666666666667
// 23: x / 655.3599999999997
// 24: x / 2.55
// 25: x / 16384
// 26: x / 250
// 27: x / 2.142128661087866
// 28: (x - 128) / 2.66666666666667
// 29: (x - 64) / -1.33333333333333
// 30: x - 40
// 31: x / 3.768805207949945
// 32: x / 376.8805207949945
// 33: x / 32767.99999999992
// 34: x / 188.4402603974972
// 35: x / 120.6017666543982
// 36: x / 12060.17666543982
// 37: x / 1.884402603974972
// 38: x * 10
// 39: (x-512)/32
// 40: (x-127)/10

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